Thursday, July 25, 2019

College Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

College Education - Essay Example Some of the most important aspects of a college education is an improvement in written and verbal communication skills, project management skills including scheduling and sticking to deadlines, and the ability to carry out broad interdisciplinary research. All these are useful in the course of a career and cannot be found to that extent in the case of a high school education. One of the most important factors that recommend college education is the recognition it has from the professional and the industrial world. Job providers use a college degree as a standard on which to evaluate a prospective employee. A basic bachelor's degree is a minimum requirement for most well-paying jobs in the industry, and there is a glass ceiling on those who do not have a college education. The U.S. is gradually moving away from being a manufacturing economy to a knowledge-based economy, and a bachelor's degree today has almost the same value as high school education had half a century earlier. In a gl obalized economy where more and more jobs are being outsourced to Asian nations, the only hope for a good job for a student is to take college education as an obvious option. Your college education keeps you company well into your career, in terms of skills that you learned which were not seen as immediately useful, but come in handy mid-career, when you are eying that promotion or considering changing jobs. It can be your safety net, sturdy enough to fall back on, just in case you come upon hard times in life.

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