Thursday, August 22, 2019

Water is Life Essay Example for Free

Water is Life Essay The slogan: â€Å"Water is Life,† is so true considering that nature’s life cycle revolves around it. The factuality of the statement can be easily seen in the light of what water is to the environment and how it is being taken for granted for its familiarity. The space that it occupies in and around the earth is so invasive it is almost all-encompassing in its existence. â€Å"It covers around 75% of the Earth’s surface† and is contained deep in the earth’s groundwater reserves called aquifers (Godrej, 2003). Despite that much of life depends on water, its purity essential to all our sustenance is being threatened because humans overuse it. Gone are the days when people simply drink directly from a brook. To secure safe drinking water, it has to undergo certain processes; either distilled or purified. This becomes a huge source of financial profit to big businesses such as the proliferation of bottled waters. But, â€Å". . . once we start using water in excess and beyond the rate which it can be replenished again, we endanger the hydrological cycle† (Godrej, 2003). In First World countries, water is used to beautify gardens, maintain greener lawns, and fill up swimming pools. In California, officials predicted that by 2020, water shortage is a surety due to the way it is being used today in that state (2003). Although many factors affect and cause this water crisis, mainly it is the misuse that causes the water crises. The problems range from water’s scarcity and depletion, lack of sanitation and pollution, inequalities in distribution . . . to extravagant use . . . , etc. (Godrej, 2003). Things that contribute to the world’s water crisis are untouched in this essay. Nonetheless, the reality of this crisis that has crept in the usual order of things in the environment cannot be taken for granted. We need to wise up and save this essential element of life. Reference 1. Crystal, David. 1990. Water H2O. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia. Cambridge University Press, p. 1285. 2. Godrej, Dinar. 2003. Crisis and challenge. Precious fluid. New Internationalist magazine, volume 354, pp. 9-12. 3. New Internationalist called Water: The facts. March 2003. volume 354,p. 18 4. Vidal, John. August 2002. Blue gold: Earths liquid asset. The Guardian, p. 6.

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