Monday, September 30, 2019

Ethical Scrapbook

In any profession unethical behavior can be present, it is ultimately up to the individuals. They have to decide what is ethically right and not take short cuts or engage in unethical behavior. The banking profession, such as bank tellers, is exposed to large amounts of money. They can choose to be ethical and not attempt to steal from their clients, or they can act unethically by choosing to steal money. Another profession is research, there are conditions that exist for unethical behavior. When researchers conduct experiments, they usually write a report about their results.If the results do not go in the direction that they wanted them to, this gives the researchers an opportunity to act unethically. They can either choose to act ethically, and report the true results from the experiment, or they can choose to act unethically, and report the results in a manner that will benefit them. â€Å"In the process of making decisions regarding their professional behavior, psychologists mu st consider this Ethics Code in addition to applicable laws and psychology board regulations.In applying the Ethics Code to their professional work, psychologists may consider other materials and guidelines that have been adopted or endorsed by scientific and professional psychological organizations and the dictates of their own conscience, as well as consult with others within the field. If this Ethics Code establishes a higher standard of conduct than is required by law, psychologists must meet the higher ethical standard.If psychologists’ ethical responsibilities conflict with law, regulations or other governing legal authority, psychologists make known their commitment to this Ethics Code and take steps to resolve the conflict in a responsible manner in keeping with basic principles of human rights† (American Psychological Association, 2014). Another profession is professional sports, the athlete could take enhancement drugs to improve themselves at the sport, like taking steroids which is also against the law.Most athletes choose to  do what is ethical and stay away from drugs to ensure that they keep their jobs and the respect of their fans. In medical professions, doctors could take the unethical route and give their patients their drug of choice just to satisfy them, but doctors that admire what they do will be ethical and give the patient what they need and get them help if they are showing signs of drug abuse. â€Å"Within the patient-physician relationship, a physician is ethically required to use sound medical judgment, holding the best interests of the patient as paramount† (The Patient-Physician Relationship, 2001).Pharmaceutical companies are a profession that also has to choose to be ethical or unethical. The individuals that work for pharmaceutical companies are tempted to take medication for their own use. They may steal medications to sell them to make money for themselves. Politics also can contribute to ethical or une thical behavior. If politicians do not like something, they try to hide it from Americans, or they may not tell the whole truth of certain facts. Politicians are famous for covering all of the facts up.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How to Make Dumpling

For Chinese, dumpling is our traditional food. In Ancient, dumpling represents money. So they eat it for good luck. Until now, we also eat it when we celebrate some traditional festivals. Because we think it will bring some good luck for us. In lots of Chinese’s mind, dumping is delicious. But if we want to make it, the process is complicated. Now I will explain you how to make dumpling. Because the dough should ferment, we must make dumpling wrapper first. At this step we should have flour, water, a container, a wet cloth, a knife, a rolling pole and a pastry board.After prepare those materials, we can beginning to make the dough. We put flour into a container, then pour water into the container, and be careful about the proportion between flour and water. It is important to make the good dough. After that, stir it strenuously to make it sticky, put a wet cloth on the dough and wait 20 minutes to let it ferment. 20 minutes later, we can roll dough into a round piece. We shoul d cut part of the dough and put it on pastry board, knead a part of it to a strip and cut it into small pieces.Then press each piece and roll it with a rolling pole into a round piece. Now we will do the stuffing. It is the core of making dumpling. If we do not have good stuffing, it means we fail in the whole steps. Today we choose pork and scallion stuffing to an example. At the start of making stuffing, we should chop pork up and mix it with chopped scallions. Meanwhile we also put in seasonings like salt, sesame oil, pepper, chopped green onion and ginger to get our favorite flavor.And then stir the ingredients in a container well to make them evenly mixed. We can also put an egg to make the stuffing tender. When we finish those two steps, we will do the last step which is make dumpling. There are many shapes of dumpling like waveform, crescent, wallet form and lock from. Waveform is easiest to make. So lots of us like to make dumpling like it. Now I will tell you how to make th is shape. Put right amount stuffing in the middle of dumpling wrapper. And double over the dumpling wrapper to become the semicircle.Then knead it from left and let the forefinger around thumb to push it have pleat. Repeat this motion until it to right. After that, a dumpling it completely finished. Those are all steps of make dumpling. Please notice those steps and do not forget the core of making dumpling. Stuffing is the head of dumpling. And memory that delicious dumpling comes from carefully person. Do not careless in it. In our mind, dumpling is so complicated. But if we do it with our family, it will become an unforgettable thing for us.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Power in of Mice and Men Essay

The theme of power is prevalent throughout the novel Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck uses various methods and techniques to establish the dynamics of power on the ranch. In the first extract, George and Lennie are in the brush and we get a strong sense of George’s parental control over Lennie, but it also shows how Lennie’s physical stature gives him a degree of power over George. In extract two we meet Curley for the first time, and his authority over the ranch workers is clearly asserted through the various ways in which Steinbeck describes him. And finally, in extract three, we see the first fight of the novel. The fight is very diverse in how it portrays power. At different stages in the fight some people have more authority over others and we see how the workers feel more powerful together as opposed to individually. In this extract the ‘hierarchy’ of power on the ranch is very shaken up. Extract one focuses on George and Lennie’s relationship. Even from the onset words such as ‘’timidly’’, ‘’softly’’, and ‘’gently’’ help to establish the dynamics of their relationship. These words portray Lennie as a weak, almost fragile character in contrast to words such as ‘’jerked’’, ‘’scowled’’, and ‘’bastard’’ which portray George as impatient and annoyed, almost like an exasperated parent. Steinbeck uses a multitude of exclamation marks to emphasise George’s frustration. Ellipses are also used throughout the extract to show how Lennie hesitates and stutters though his sentences. This clearly shows that he is unable to recall information and is, at times, very nervous. This reiterates the fact that George holds the reins of power in the relationship. It is significant, maybe, that Steinbeck describes George as a ‘’little man’’. It points out that physical stature does not equate power in this relationship. If this was not true the tables would be turned as Lennie towers over George, which is why it is strange that he is so reliant on George. This really shows how Lennie is less powerful. Lennie’s metal disability makes him vulnerable because he is unable to retain information. This is shown through Lennie’s very simple language. â€Å"..But it didn’t do no good† Steinbeck also uses many question marks to show how Lennie is constantly asking questions and therefore constantly seeking guidance from George, and again, that’s what gives George the edge over Lennie. When discussion moves to the bus tickets and work cards Lennie realises that he doesn’t have his. â€Å"He looked down at the ground in despair† which shows that he is ashamed and perhaps a little frightened of George’s reaction, but Steinbeck then goes on to say that George took responsibility for both of the work cards, knowing that Lennie could not be trusted. This, again, demonstrates the balance of power and shows that both George and Lennie are aware of how much power the other possesses. After looking for his work card in his pocket, Lennie take out a mouse to which George replies sharply. â€Å"What’d you take outta that pocket?† George’s tone is accusatory which shows that he is astute. He then continues to bombard Lennie with questions, which gives Lennie the chance to demonstrate another type of power – his cunning. He attempts to deceive George. â€Å"Ain’t a thing in my pocket† Although childlike, this sentence shows that Lennie’s mind is able to think of plans. How would he keep the mouse? By attempting to deceive George. Eventually, George’s patience wears thin and he exclaims â€Å"Give it here!† shouting at Lennie like a parent. Throughout the extract George issues a multitude of orders to Lennie. â€Å"You ain’t gonna say a word†, â€Å"We’re gonna work†, â€Å"You jus’ stand there†. These commands show just how pliable Lennie is and how George uses his power to make Lennie comply. George also uses idle threats to manipulate Lennie. â€Å"†¦if I didn’t have you on my tail†. This, again, shows George’s parental control over Lennie and goes hand in hand with his use of the dream to make Lennie work. Just as a child would get no presents at Christmas, Lennie would not be allowed to tend the rabbits if he steps out of line. But, as much as George chastises Lennie, he does give him appropriate encouragement. â€Å"Good boy. That’s swell.† Extract two focuses on Curley. When he enters the bunkhouse his authority over the ranch workers becomes very apparent. Steinbeck says that â€Å"he wore a work glove† and â€Å"he wore high-heeled boots†. The simple fact that Curley has to wear certain items of clothing suggests that his authority is somewhat artificial as opposed to Slim, whose power comes naturally. It is important to note how Curley’s body language changes when he notices the new men. He â€Å"glanced coldly†, â€Å"his hands closed into fists† and â€Å"his glance was at once calculating and pugnacious†. This kind of body language is very aggressive and he uses it to dominate the men. â€Å"Lennie squirmed under the look and shifted nervously on his feet† which shows that Curley’s power is very obvious and he continues to assert his power by invading Lennie’s personal space and speaking to him with a very brusque tone. Curley is quick to confront Len nie, as he feels like Lennie will be a threat dure to his size. â€Å"Let the big guy talk.† Lennie is unsure of how to respond to this and â€Å"twisted with embarrassment† which shows just how debilitated he is. As usual, George stands up for him and challenges Curley’s power. George has a very monosyllabic tone of voice when speaking to Curley which shows that he does not feel the need to elaborate and is perhaps being defiant. â€Å"Yeah, it’s that way.† Lennie looks helplessly to George for instruction when given the chance to talk which again demonstrates George’s power over him. Eventually, when Lennie does speak, he speaks â€Å"softly† which suggests a lack of power and perhaps a degree of uncertainty. Curley starts to get aggressive with Lennie, but the anger is totally unprovoked. Even Candy is wary of Curley’s power and â€Å"looked cautiously at the door to make sure no one was listening† before telling George that Curley is the boss’s son and that he is â€Å"pretty handy†. In this role, authority is implicit and Curley evidently has a lot of physical power if he is being described as â€Å"handy† by the other ranch workers. This is important to note in extract three when Lennie and Curley have a fight. At the beginning of extract three, Curley feels his power is being threatened by Carlson. He uses very authorial body language to regain this power but it is in vein as the ra nch workers feel comfortable standing up for themselves when they are together. Carlson lectures Curley on how he isn’t as powerful as he likes to think. Candy â€Å"joined [Carlson’s attack] with joy† and this is far from how Candy was acting at the end of extract two. Again, the ranch workers feel safer in large groups. Perhaps Curley decides to fight Lennie because he wants to demonstrate his strength and feels that Lennie is the weakest of the workers, therefore, the easiest to fight. Curley â€Å"stepped over to Lennie like a terrier†. Here Steinbeck, yet again, uses a simile to describe the invasion of Lennie’s personal space. â€Å"Then Curley’s rage exploded† and he uses a lot of expletives to provoke Lennie. This can be compared to George’s language and how he curses at Lennie calling him a â€Å"big bastard†. Perhaps Curley’s reaction is so vicious because he is afraid of being humiliated in front of the workers. â€Å"Lennie looked helplessly at George† which shows that he is weak, but more so vulnerable. Yet again, he looks to George for direction. At first, Lennie doesn’t fight back because he knows that if he gets himself into trouble he won’t be allowed to tend the rabbits, although when Curley starts getting very violent George encourages Lennie to fight back. â€Å"Get him, Lennie. Don’t let him do it.† The fact that Lennie has to be told by George to protect himself shows just how much leadership George has when it comes to Lennie. The line â€Å"I said get him† also emphasises George’s control. Lennie, however, redeems himself and crushes Curley’s hand. Lennie is so adamant to do what George has told him to do that he stills holds on to Curley’s fist even though George is slapping him and telling him to stop. â€Å"George slapped him in the face again and again, and still Lennie held on to the closed fist.† In conclusion, I think it is difficult to define the most powerful man on the ranch as Steinbeck presents so many different types of power; innate, physical, implicit, parental etc. Throughout all three of the extracts the balance of power shifts frequently, but authority is always evident. Steinbeck shows it very cleverly and subtly, almost manipulating the reader to anticipate certain reactions from certain characters which is why I find these extracts so engaging to read.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Strategic Leadership for Change Management Article

Strategic Leadership for Change Management - Article Example The paper tells that human relations in many ways are nothing but a manifestation goodwill and common sense in practice. To a large degree of success entrepreneur in the field of human relations depend on such things how to make a nice job in a supermarket or an attractive work at the factory. Entrepreneurs often ignore these simple things, especially when their business is only growing. At the initial stage entrepreneurship, they generally have to worry only about themselves, and maybe it’s not numerous staff. Solid consciousness common purpose binds the owner of the company and its staff. But as addition, as new employees, this relationship is waning, if the entrepreneur does not pay enough attention to the so-called human problems. Currently, many companies have become so cumbersome that workers lose the possibility of human contact with their by employers. In some areas of manufacturing high degree of automation leads to the fact that workers lack, for example, feelings of satisfaction and involvement with the product, in which manufacturing have contributed. Many workers do not even have a clue about that the purpose for which the buyer uses their product. Robotic the nature of a significant proportion of their work does not have arisen from them a sense of self-esteem. Leadership has been the object of study when, in early twentieth century began for the first time to study management. However, only between 1930 and 1950 was the first time undertook the study of leadership on a large scale and systematic basis. These early studies set out to identify the property or the personal characteristics effective leaders. According to the theory of personal leadership, and certain set of common for all personal qualities. Developing this idea, it can be argued that if these qualities can be identified, people could to learn how to raise them yourself, and thus become effective leaders. Some of these learned traits - this level of intelligence and knowledge, impressive appearance, honesty, common sense, initiative, social and economic education and a high degree of confidence in itself. In the 40s, scientists began to study the collected facts of the relationship between personal skills and leadership. Unfortunately, despite the hundreds held research, they agreed on a set of qualities that certainly distinguish big leader. In 1948 Stogdill made comprehensive review of research in the field of leadership, which noted that study of the personal qualities continues to give conflicting results. He found that leaders tend to their intellect and the desire to knowledge, reliability, responsibility, activity, social participation and socio - economic status. However, Stogdill also noted that in different situations, effective leaders exhibited different personal of quality. He then concluded, with whom would agree today scientists - behavioral: "Man is not only the head due to the fact that he has a certain set of personal characteristics." The conclusion is that there is no set of personal qualities, which present in all effective leaders are often cited as evidence that the effectiveness of leadership is situational in nature. However, the Stogdill said that his view is not enough emphasizes the personal nature of leadership. He argues that there are substantial evidence for the fact that different situations require different ability and quality. Although he did not call back to an approach to leadership in terms of personal qualities, Stogdill concluded that "the structure personal qualities of the head should be related to personal qualities, activities and tasks of his subordinates." Change Management In present times, organizations of all types live many changes in nature and scale, different with temporalities and rhythms variables (Wentz, 1999, pp. 78). These changes appear, on the one hand, as more or less of questioning the ways of acting and thinking found unsatisfactory, also the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Love medicine novel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Love medicine novel - Essay Example Along with myriad themes interplaying subtly within the plot of the novel, lays the theme of existential crisis which is one of the potent motifs of the texts evolved during the post-modern periods. The identity crisis and the quest of the self or the ‘cogito ergo sum’ concept which means I think and therefore I exists develops as a very important thematic aspect of the novel, â€Å"Love Medicine† as the story of the novel proceeds. THESIS STATEMENT The characters of the story are the symbols manifesting multiple themes of the novel. The character of Marie Kashpaw builds the theme of existential crisis or the quest for identity within the text. This essay intends to brew up and discuss the theme of identity crisis inherent within the novel, â€Å"Love Medicine† through an analytical and exploratory analysis of its character Marie Kashpaw. MARIE: A STUDY OF THE CHARACTER FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF EXISTENTIALISM The Chippewa tribe of North Dakota originally and as showed in the novel too are a patriarchal tribe. However, the presence of the two feminine characters Marie and Lulu only does not support that the text is feministic in nature. The novel, â€Å"Love Medicine† also projects the character of two matriarchs who through their immense strength and indelible courage are able to unite the family members together. Marie Kashpaw is married to the chairman of the tribe. Nevertheless, her esteemed position in her small community does not end up by being only the ornamental head matriarch of the community. At the outset of the novel itself, as pointed out by Louise Erdrich, one can find Marie proudly asserting, â€Å"He is what he is because I made him† (154). This is a statement Marie passes indicating her husband who is the chief of the tribal council and her statement is admitted by almost everyone surrounding her including her children. From the character analysis of Marie Kashpaw, her prideful nature and her immense capa city to unite not only the members of her family but also the members of her community finds a profound expression. The sense of identity or to be precise self-created identity is found so stark in Marie that when her parents come to drop off June she comments, â€Å"the two drunk ones†. She desperately passes comment about her mother, â€Å"the old drunk woman who I didn’t claim as my mother anymore† (85). Marie is aware of her identity which she has made for herself and which she places above all the other entities in her life. Her quest for creating her own identity was successful and was above the limitations of a Lazzare. Marie is strong willed and a very much revered matriarch in her community. Marie comments when she goes to meet dieing num â€Å"by now I was a solid class. Nector was tribal chairman. My children were well behaved, and they were educated too" (148). She was very happy and confident to meet an old acquaintance because she was aware of the fact that she had been the strong pivot of her family which enabled them to gain prosperity and respect in the society. She is happy to make Nector worthy of his position and train her children with good behavior and education as well. The socio-political

Impact of performance evaluation on employees motivation and Literature review

Impact of performance evaluation on employees motivation and productivity - Literature review Example 9 2.6 Performance Evaluation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 11 2.6.1 Different appraisal methods†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦12 2.6.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of an Appraisal†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.14 2.6.3 Limitations of Performance Appraisal†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦16 2.7 Factors that affect Productivity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦17 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦......20 IMPACT OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ON EMPLOYEES MOTIVATION AND PRODUCTIVITY (A Case Study) 2. Literature review 2.1 Introduction Performance evaluation is an aspect of organizational progress that facilitates productivity and innovation. Performance evaluation looks at the issues that lead to progress in the daily activities of employees. Performance evaluation links the goals and objectives of an organization with the individual actions and behavior. Organizations set standards for measuring performance evaluation against performance (Armstrong 2006). Such standards guide the daily performance of employees and give a level ground for measuring success. Performance evaluation aims at enabling employees to follow procedures and guidelines that are in line with the aims and objectives of an entity. Such conduct gets looked at by evaluating the conduct of employees alongside set organizational standards. Performance evaluation in many entities determines the punishment and reward that gets accorded to employees. This shows that individuals have to behave in a certain manner in order to realize the diverse performance measures set by their entity. Failure to obey the rules may lead to loss of job, lack of bonuses, stagnation, and demotion at the work place. This indicates that performance evaluation has the ability to influence motivation and productivity in the workplace (Waal 2007). Moreover, the human resource function uses performance evaluation as a tool of ranking the level of employees in the entity. Organizations must have the capability to objectively distinguish employees in relation to performance. This should happen to al employees in an organization. Employees who are underperforming should get the assistance and opportunity to progress. Leaving poor perf ormers in the entity sends incorrect signals to other individuals who are performing well. Successful employees should be recognized for the effort put in daily operations. Performance evaluation is a critical facet of the human resource function (Bohlander, Snell, & Sherman 2001). As a result, employees should be subjected to reasonable appraisal methods. These methods must be understandable in terms of their relevance to all individuals in the entity. This will make workers behave in a way that is pleasing to the organization. However, this does not signify that things go as intended in performance evaluation. Organizations have been blamed of not following the correct process in guiding the actions of employees. This in turn influences motivation and productivity in the organizational context (Waal 2007). In conclusion, performance evaluation has led to the success of numerous organizations. Handling performance evalu

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Multiple questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multiple questions - Assignment Example Additionally, the teachers also point out that finding help from senior teachers may also be an important inclusion in these strategies. Based on your reading and on this video, do you agree with the master teachers in this video case who believe that standardized testing "offers the opportunity to reflect upon your teaching practice?"   Why or why not? Standardized testing provides a tutor with an opportunity to effectively analyze their teaching practice. Standardized testing enables a tutor to generally create assessment systems that equally reflect the performance of every student. Additionally, the tests are effective enough to generate reliable results that reflect the performance of a tutor in regards to performance by their students. Collaboration requires understanding among teachers in an institution. Collaboration refers to the generation of ideas collectively by all teachers. However, a tutor should be able to look for friendly tutors who maybe willing to help. Additionally, collaboration should be agenda based as tutor should seek collaboration to generate a solution to a particular problem. The master teachers in this video suggest that it is important to use student test data effectively.   How does one use test data effectively?   What are some challenges that might be encountered during this process? Test data can be used effectively if the collection of the data is accurate. Additionally, test data should be collected from reliable test that may reflect the exact potential of the students. Possible challenges may be generated from biasness from collecting the data. Data collection questions may also be limited to testing the actual student abilities. In the video, the teachers believe in teacher’s empowerment through collaboration. They also use collaboration as decision making tool ( The tutors come together was a work group. They

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Lay investiture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lay investiture - Research Paper Example Kings had taken some duties and trappings entitled to priests while some priests and bishops governed as feudal lords. The church lacked the governing power because the pope did not have coercive power to implement ecclesiastical policies. As such, it was necessary to employ the secular arm that was willing to implement the will of papacy. The monarchies saw the new action of papacy as usurping their power and as a result, conflicts emerged (De-La-Noy 1993, 72). During the time when Norman rule was established in England, there was a great need for change in the relationship between secular and church authorities. Gregorian reforms, which favored a central authority of Rome when dealing with local churches in Europe, were not fully accepted by Western Europe’s kings and monarchies. There was an increase in the effectiveness and scale of papal influence in local churches. At the same time, the powerful government established by Norman monarchy in England often opposed the influ ence and intervention of the pope in the affairs of local churches. As such, papal intervention and interference by the monarchy in the affairs of local churches led to investiture conflicts. ... After the death of William in 1100, Anselm returned to England after being invited by a newly installed King Henry 1. Anselm supported Henry’s rise to the throne against a protracted conflict with his brother, Robert. However, due to respect for papal decree, Anselm declined to support Henry’s demand to honor him and obey his commands. In addition, Anselm rejected to consecrate bishops that the king wanted. Henry did not want to quarrel with him while at the same time, he did not want to compromise the monarchy’s rights to homage and investiture (De-La-Noy 1993, 74). Despite mutual respect between Henry and Anselm, there was a direct conflict between them. Henry, who was not as violent as his predecessor Rufus, was resolute. He summoned Anselm and insisted that he pay homage by consecrating the bishop and priests that he had proposed, or he would leave the country. Anselm did not take any of the two options offered by Henry because he had deep conviction that he had to respect the pope, and it was his personal decision to either accept or decline the king’s demands. The conflict compelled the two to send emissaries to Rome in order to negotiate ways of solving their conflict. Pope Pascal II answered back by praising the king’s faithfulness on the matter but maintained his predecessor’s stand that forbade investiture and homage (Wilhelm 1990, 44). After a series of negotiations conducted by the king’s emissaries and the pope, there was some compromise in which Henry was allowed to invest in some bishop, but the 1102 letter by Pope Paschal II did not touch on homage but criticized investiture fervently. The Roman Council, which was attended by

Monday, September 23, 2019

Persuasive speech writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Persuasive speech writing - Essay Example Such laws need noble individuals for their implementation. So the issue of creating noble individuals attains top priority. The gun control measures, and the determination of the law enforcing authorities, may reduce the percentage of gun-ridden crimes and shootouts. I therefore, reiterate my support for it, for the simple reason that there is no other alternative for the time being. One important aspect about the intended gun control measure is the administrators have begun to think about the use-level of military-style assault weapons, to check violence. To an extent this may be the right step to do something about the violence-prone society in the prevailing societal conditions. I emphasize the word prevailing, because sermons from the political platforms by the politicians that believe in various ideologies are not going to produce any tangible results. I take it that using gun for violent acts is a negativity like smoking, drinking, drug addiction etc. Are we able to control the drug mafia? They thrive and score a march over the law-enforcing authorities. So, the issue is not about drafting a good law and getting it passed. Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein says the bill is intended "to help end the mass-shootings that have devastated countless families and terrorized communities." He is right. But he has not addressed to the root cause of the problem, and he will not be able to do anything about it. Senators are aware of their limitations, so are we! The issue is, those who are bent upon acquiring the guns, will get them through clandestine channels. Just look around and see how the terrorist organizations are amassing demonic weapons of their choice, including military-type assault rifles. When tempers on the issue get cooled down, the realities related will come to the fore. Those supporting the gun ownership rights have taken a stand to oppose the bill. Americas main gun-rights lobby, the National Rifle

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hematology Report Essay Example for Free

Hematology Report Essay The term comes from a Greek word â€Å"glukus† which means sweet. It is an organic compound, a simple sugar (monosaccharide) with a chemical formula C6H12O6, which occurs widely in most tissues of plants and animals. A major source of energy in the body, glucose is the principal circulating sugar. It is also knows as D-glucose, D-glucopyranose, grape sugar, corn sugar, dextrose, and cerelose. Glucose, whether in free or combined form, is the most common of the sugars and the most abundant organic compound in nature. Grapes, figs, and other sweet fruits and honey had been found to have considerably high concentration content. It is also found, although in lesser concentrations, in animal body fluids such as in the blood and lymph. Urine of diabetic patients usually contains 3-5 %. Absorbed into the bloodstream through the small intestine, it is carried through the portal vein to the liver wherein it is stored as glycogen. The rest reenters to the circulatory system. Glycogen is also stored in the muscle tissue (See â€Å"Glucose†) †¢ Catalyst for: a major contributor in metabolism. †¢ Disorders/Diseases: 1. High Levels: diabetes mellitus ? It is characterized by high levels of blood sugar (glucose), caused from defects in insulin secretion or action, or even both. In normal conditions, blood glucose levels are highly controlled by insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin helps lower the glucose level in the blood. In diabetic patients, the absence or insufficient production of insulin causes hyperglycemia. Although diabetes can be controlled, it is a chronic medical condition, which lasts a lifetime (See â€Å"What is diabetes? †) 2. Low Levels: hypoglycemia ? This disorder occurs when glucose levels falls too low resulting in the malfunction of cells. Symptoms develop such as cool skin, nervousness, headache, confusion, convulsion or even coma. Control of its level and metabolism is greatly important. 2. ) Urea Nitrogen (BUN) †¢ Definition: Urea is formed in the liver. It is a nitrogen-containing substance, which is normally cleared into the urine from the blood by the kidney. This was the first organic chemical compound that was synthesized. Friedrich Wohler, a German chemist, who accidentally made urea while in the process of attempting to make ammonium cyanate from silver cyanide and ammonium chloride (See â€Å"Definition of Urea†). It is a small organic molecule composed of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen and is formed from ammonia in the kidney and liver (See â€Å"What is Urea†). †¢ BUN: stands for Blood Urea Nitrogen This is a test that is used to measure the levels of urea in the blood. When diseases occur in the kidney, which comprises its function will frequently lead to increased level in the blood. The BUN level in the blood can also rise among patients who are dehydrated. Urea nitrogen is a waste product of protein metabolism in the blood. This is a test that measures how much urea nitrogen remains in the blood that can be used as a test of renal function. Nevertheless, there are many factors aside from renal disease that can cause BUN alterations, including protein breakdown, hydration status and liver failure. Reference values of BUN: Adult: 7-20 mg/100 ml (men may have slightly higher values than women) Newborn: values slightly lower than adult ranges Elderly: value slightly increase due to lack of renal concentration Pregnancy: values decrease about 25% *Values differ slightly from laboratory to laboratory for all tests †¢ Catalyst for: the breakdown of protein during tissue metabolism †¢ Disorders/Diseases: Diseases or malfunction concerning the kidney often lead to increased blood levels of urea. 1. High Levels: azotemia ? Possible causes: o Dehydration o Impaired renal function o Stress o Shock o Congestive heart failure as a result of poor renal perfusion o Excessive protein intake o Hemorrhage into the gastrointestinal tract 2. Low Levels: A low BUN may have little significance but can cause liver problems. A decreased BUN may be caused by over hydration. A person with â€Å"syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic secretion (SIADH), an anti-diuretic hormone responsible for stimulating the kidney to conserve water causes high level of water retention in the bloodstream rather than excreted into the urine. SIADH can raise the BUN level, while important substances decrease because of the significant increase of fluid in the bloodstream. A decrease BUN level may be seen in: malnutrition, liver failure, over hydration, impaired nutrient absorption, anabolic steroid use (See â€Å"Blood Urea Nitrogen BUN†). Urea itself is non-toxic. 3). Creatinine †¢ Definition: A creatine anhydride with chemical formula of C4H7N3O, is formed by the metabolism of creatine. Creatine is found in muscle tissue and blood; it is excreted as a metabolic waste in the urine (See â€Å"Creatinine†). A small amount is actively secreted and mainly filtered by the kidney. There is tubular reabsorption of creatinine but compensated by almost the same degree of tubular secretion. Creatinine is a chemical waste molecule, generated from muscle metabolism. About 2% of the body’s creatine is converted to creatinine every day. It is transported through the bloodstream to the kidneys. It is produced at a steady rate. Diet or normal physical activities have little effect on creatinine level. A malfunction of the kidney can decrease its level in the urine while raising its level in the blood (See â€Å"Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance†). †¢ Catalyst for: despite of being a waste, creatinine is vital for diagnostic function It is a reliable indicator of kidney function. †¢ Disorder/Diseases: 1. High Levels: This indicates a possible malfunction or failure of the kidneys. As the kidneys become impaired, creatinine level will rise. A high level suggests the following conditions of the kidney: -damage or swelling of the blood vessels in the kidneys known as glomerulonephritis. Prostate disease, kidney stone or urinary tract obstruction Reduced blood flow to the kidney 2. Low Levels: It is a rare occurrence that low level of creatinine would appear, and are not usually a cause for concern. Low levels of creatinine can be seen with conditions that results in decreased muscle mass (See â€Å"Creatinine: The Test†). Low creatinine is seen in some severe liver diseases as it is also seen in debilitation (See â€Å"Low Protein Diet Information for People with Kidney Diseases†) Normal level for: Adult males: approximately 0. 6 to 1. 2 milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dl) Adult females: 0. 5 to 1. 1 milligrams per deciliter Elderly: may have less creatinine in their blood than the norm Infants: 0. 2 or more depending on their muscle development Person w/ one kidney: 1. 8 or 1. 9 Creatinine levels that reach 2. 0 or more in babies and 10. 0 or more in adults may need to use a dialysis machine in order to remove wastes from the blood (See â€Å"Definition of Creatinine†). References: 1. â€Å"Glucose†. http://www. answers. com/topic/glucose 2. â€Å"What is diabetes? †. http://www. medicinenet. com/diabetes_mellitus/article. htm 3. â€Å"Definition of Urea†. http://www. medterms. com/script/main/art. asp? articlekey=5905 4. â€Å"What is Urea†. http://cahpwww. vet. upenn. edu/mun/mun_info. html 5. â€Å"Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN). http://www. rnceus. com/renal/renalbun. html 6. â€Å"Creatinine†. American Heritage dictionaries. http://www. answers. com/topic/creatinine 7. â€Å"Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance†. http://www. webmd. com/hw/lab_tests/hw4322. asp 8. â€Å"Creatinine: The Test†. http://www. labtestsonline. org/understanding/analytes/creatinine/test. html 9. â€Å"Low Protein Diet Information for People with Kidney Diseases†. http://www. geocities. com/HotSprings/Spa/3265/lowp. html 10. See â€Å"Definition of Creatinine†. http://www. medterms. com/script/main/art. asp? articlekey=12550 4. ) BUN/Creatinin ratio: †¢ Definition: BUN-to-creatinine ratio= 10:1-201 (over 12 months of age) =Up to 30:1 (infants less than 12 months of age) (See â€Å"Blood Urea Nitrogen†) http://www. bchealthguide. org/kbase/topic/medtest/aa36271/results. htm †¢ Disorder/Diseases: High Level: High ratios occur with acute kidney failure, which could be caused by conditions such as shock or severe dehydration Low Level: Can be associated with a diet low in protein, and severe muscle injury called rhabdomyolysis, pregnancy, cirrhosis, inadequate antidiuretic hormone secretion. (See â€Å"BUN/Creatinine ratio) http://www. thedoctorslounge. net/nephrology/forums/backup/topic-6481. html 5. ) Sodium: †¢ Definition: Sodium is deposited largely in the blood and in the fluid in the space surrounding the cells in our body. It is important in maintaining a normal fluid balance by all cells. †¢ Catalyst for: plays a key role in normal nerve and muscle function. †¢ Disorder/Disease: Healthy kidneys must have a consistent amount of sodium in the body. Excess amount is excreted in the urine. When the amount of sodium intake and loss are not in balance, the amount of water in the blood is affected.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Examining The Application Package Of Accounting Software Information Technology Essay

Examining The Application Package Of Accounting Software Information Technology Essay It is a widely researched topic to motivate small businesses to adopt IT. There is little research focused specially on the motivating factors for adopting computerized accounting systems (CAS) in small organization, though there is much study on the overall adoption of IT. However, small business accounting software is an essential sub-set of overall small business IT research. Accounting software was the biggest application package used and the powerful factor behind the IT hardware acquisition decision. To look into the motivating factors for adopting accounting software, it would be practical to first review the more comprehensive literature on overall IT adoption. Hence, this literature review begins with a discussion of the studies of general IT adoption and then reviews studies particularly focused on accounting software adoption. 2.1 FACTORS FOR ADOPTION OF IT Thong (1999), Harrison, Mykytyn and Riemenschneider (1997), Cragg and King (1993), Moore and Benbasat (1991) and Treadgold (1990), who have made research about small business IT adoption, have now identified a variety of motivating factors. Thong (1999) attempted to strengthen the myriad of IT adoption research by developing an integrated model of information systems adoption. This model is a useful framework in reviewing the variables that impact on a small business owners decision to adopt IT. Thong classified the factors into four elements: Characteristics of the organization; Characteristics of the management; Characteristics of the technological innovation; and 4. Characteristics of the business environment. 2.2 Characteristics of the Organization The characteristics of the organization are variables that manipulate the decision whether to adopt IT or not. Organizational characteristics for instance: employees level of IT knowledge, business location, information-intensity, business size and industry sector has been evaluated in preceding research studies of Fink (1999); Burgess (1998); Wenzler (1996); Attewell (1992); Yap (1990); and Delone (1988). In general, the greater the sales turnover are determined by the larger the number of employees and the more information-intensive the industry, thus the more likely a small business will adopt IT innovation .In addition, Thong (1999) states that small businesses tend to suffer resource poverty in terms of financial competence, offered time and IT skilled staff to facilitate innovation adoption. As a result, Attewell (1992) adds that resource poverty raises the obstacle to innovation adoption in small business. 2.2.1 Information Intensity Yap (1990) quoted in Thong (1999), that businesses have different information-processing needs in different sectors. Those in more information-intensive sectors are more likely to adopt IT than those in less information-intensive sectors. Further, (Porter and Millar, 1985) have reported that greater uses of IT in businesses are due to greater information intensity. Therefore, greater information intensity will lead the holder or supervisor of small business to perceive IT as a most important competitive device and as a result increase the probability and complexity of applying computer software. 2.2.2 Business Size Dewar and Dutton (1983) and Moch and Morse (1977) quoted in Thong (1999), point out that the technological innovation literature has found that larger businesses have more capital and infrastructure to facilitate to adopt computerized accounting system. However, Ein-Dor and Segev (1978), specify that small and medium businesses face considerably more barriers, among others, a lack of internal information system expertise, restricted monetary resources and as such are less likely to adopt information systems than large businesses. Supplementary literature Alpar and Reeves (1990) quoted in Thong (1999) disagree that, even among small businesses, the larger the business, the more able it is able to employ people with specialized skills, for example, knowledge of information systems. Hence, there is a greater opportunity to move from manual system and adopt the computerized one. 2.2.3 Industry SEcTOR Some particular industries are more suited to computerized record keeping than others are discussed by some researchers. These findings are partly supported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 1999-2000 report, Business Use of Information Technology. The maximum use of computers was in businesses in the material goods, business services, electricity, gas and water supply industries. At the same time, the minimum computer use was in the private and other services like housing, cafes, restaurants, transport, storage, retail trade and construction. Therefore, it is more suitable to implement a CAS in industries in which there are more trading dealings and transaction processing so that to facilitate day-to-day running of the business. 2.3 Characteristics of Management Thong (1999) points out that in large businesses, group teams are usually involved in the IT decision-making process. However, this is in distinction to small businesses where the owner-manager is generally the IT decision maker. Therefore, Rizzoni (1991) indicates that in small businesses, the characteristics of the owner-manager are vital in determining the businesss approach to IT. Thong (1999) emphasized that the three major characteristics of owner- manager which are important to IT adoption are: Level of IT education and accounting knowledge. Computer self-efficacy, and Innovativeness. 2.3.1 Level of IT Education and Accounting KNOWLEDGE In view of the fact that managers have miniature knowledge about accounting or seeing as they do not know how to prepare accounts and financial statements, they generally prefer to contract out their accounting work to public accounting firms. In addition, in several countries and in several businesses, managers neither considered the accounting subject by any means nor the accounting subject in the secondary level or tertiary level. Accordingly, Lees (1987), DeLone (1988) and Neidleman (1979) quoted in Thong (1999), specify that the possessors are not alert of the significance and the usefulness of accounting information over and above the advantages of using computers to make effortless accounting works. Thus, it still exists an unwillingness to apply computer software for the reason that business process outsourcing decreases the lack of accounting perceptive of owners. Consequently, there would be a larger possibility to implement a CAS, if managers have been educated about the a ccounting knowledge or if they could be learned about the advantages of computer know-how to produce rapid and precise accounting information. 2.3.2 Computer self-efficacy Self-efficacy is the belief that one has the capability to perform a particular behavior that is extending the social cognitive theory. Compeau and Higgins (1995) described computer self-efficacy as a judgement of ones capability to use a computer. Delone (1988) and Raymond (1988) state that small businesses owners or managers who have commenced computer training and possess computer self-efficacy are more liable to implement IT. The key leader for innovation is the owner-manager and small businesses often cannot afford the luxury of experts to guide them towards the innovation adoption and diffusion process. Thus, it is important for the owner-manager to have computer self-efficacy. It is posited here that, to the degree that the owner-manager feels comfortable and confident with the information technology, here construed as the owner-managers computer self-efficacy, innovative information technology will be adopted. On the other hand, Gableand Raman (1992) discovered that managers in quite a lot of firms are less alarmed or have no idea of the probable remuneration resulting from the use of computers in accounting as they do not possess computer knowledge. Hence, managers would be willing to adopt such computer technology to process accounting data and produce appropriate and consistent financial reports on time, if they could be learnt about the favourable effects resulting by adopting accounting software package. 2.3.3 INNOVATIVENESS Innovation is defined as a change made in the traditional way of doing things. In this framework, innovation means the development of altering the way of preparing financial reports from manual system to accept accounting software package as a device for recording and processing accounting transactions and financial reports. Thong (1999) states that the owner-manager is the one who is in charge for the running of the company in small and medium businesses. As a result, the characteristics of owner-manager are essential in determining the innovation attitude given that they are the main decision maker. Kirton (1976) quoted in Thong (1999), contends that everyone is located on a continuum ranging from an ability to do things better to an ability to do things differently. The owner-manager will seek solutions that have already been tried and understood, if the latter is not a modernizer. In contrast, Kirton, (1984) indicates that the owner or manager who wants to innovate will favour so lutions that have not been attempted and are thus hazardous. However, Thong (1999) suggests that there is not anything that other associates of the business can do to use computers for accounting works if the owner-manager has not the willpower to innovate. 2.4 Characteristics of the Technological Innovation The decision to implement Information Technology is dependent on the characteristics of the technological innovation itself as they are also a vital determinant. Rogers (1983) defined diffusion as the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels overtime among the members of a social systems. Rogers uses the terms technology and innovation synonymously, but explains that technology is a design for instrumental action that reduces the uncertainty in the cause-effect relationships involved in a desired outcome. There are five, potentially relevant, characteristics of innovation noted by Rogers (1983) which are potentially valuable in explaining the results of our research. Complexity: how difficult technological innovation is perceived as easy or difficult to understand and use; Compatibility: how technological innovation must be consistent with the existing values, past experiences and needs of potential adopters, for instance producing quick reports as efficiently and effectively; Relative advantage: how much technological innovation must be perceived as better or worse to be compared to its predecessor system; Trialability: is the degree to which an innovation may be experimented with by potential users on a limited basis; Observability: how much time it takes for the results of technological innovation to become visible and maximize profit. It has been noticed, over the past decade that the initiation of powerful, economical microcomputers jointly with available accounting software, have enhanced and raised the barriers to IT modernization. Thong (1999) confirms that, this has shown the way to a boost in the adoption of IT in the accounting field of small businesses. 2.5 Characteristics of the Business Environment Business environment encompasses all those factors that affect a companys operations, and includes customers, competitors, stakeholders, suppliers, industry trends (accounting firm and accountants), regulations, other government activities, social and economic factors and technological development. 2.5.1 ACCOUNTING firm Oran (1988) and Shannon (1986) indicate that many small business owner-managers are not alert of the extra services supplied by accountants. Additionally, until a problem does not arise, owner-manager will not discuss with accountants (Holmes 1987). Moreover, ASCPA (1992) and Breen et al. (1994) maintained in their research that an external accountant used up much of his time on an act in accordance with accounting practice and accounting standards, thus he can help a business to acquire and put into practice the accounting software in the business accounting cycle. Gorton (1999) found that businesses that were recently start-up were more liable to move toward an external accountant for suggestion than more grown-up organizations. Also, Wenzler (1996) states that accountants are exceptionally placed to provide accounting software advice and support to their clients. Such proposal shows to be efficient and effective for businesses to opt for accounting software. There are close relationships between small and medium business owners and accountant, seeing as quite a few small and medium businesses contract out their operation transaction recording and reporting to external accounting firms. In addition, Davis (1997) noted that small and medium businesses depend a lot on accounting firms as their most faithful business advisors. Accounting firms have more acquaintance about their clients and their clients business. They know what their objectives are, and can put forward approaches to help in attaining those objectives. For this reason, as recommended by Yap et al. (1992), accounting firms can considerably influence CAS adoption among small and medium businesses and besides their participation may also contribute to the achievement of computerized accounting implementation. Nevertheless, to reduce errors and put a stop to fraud, it is essential for accountants to be aware of the impact of making use of of computers on the accounting procedures and controls that are premeditated. Moreover, computers cannot replace the opinion and insight of educated accountants but the computerized accounting software can facilitate the tasks by automating much of the everyday bookkeeping processes in the manual accounting systems (e.g. posting, trial balance preparation). Furthermore, computer software allows the accountant to spotlight more on how to proceed with the accounting entries and techniques on financial reports. Last but not least, more of the accountants hard work can be paying attention on supporting management in considering the impact of financing, investing and operating decisions on financial statements and other measures of performance by utilizing accounting software. 2.5.2 Competition Ives Learmonth (1984) and Link Bozeman (1991) quoted in Thong (1999) confirmed that it is usually assumed that competition will enhance the possibility of innovation adoption. Ettlie (1983) and Ettlie Bridges (1982) quoted in Thong (1999) also point that competition leads to environmental insecurity and increases both the need for and the rate of innovation adoption. Porter and Millar (1985) advise that, businesses will be able to compete in three ways by adopting IT: IT can create competitive advantage by reducing costs or increasing differentiation. IT can change the industry structure and, in doing so, change the rules of competition. IT generates new businesses by creating derived demands from new products, often within existing operations of the business. 2.5.3 External Agents Small businesss customers were a considerable reason for implementing IT, more than the pressure of competitors suggested by Wenzler (1996). Luckily, Public Practice Accountants are in a superior position to provide systems analysis, design, implementation, and support advice to their clients as many small businesses are in lack of resources to adopt CAS. Furthermore, the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was an external influence on small business owner-managers decisions to adopt a CAS. Many small businesses would have taken advantage of Government incentives to help with the transition costs of the GST. Many small businesses computerized their accounting systems following the introduction of the GST because accounting for the GST using manual records proved to be too complicated (Lief 2000). Since the introduction of the GST, it has been shown that many small businesses agree that the costs involved were usually: offset by better record-keeping and resultant better business management. The general consensus was that the move to computerized records was very positive for the small business sector overall. 2.6 BARRIERS FOR ADOPTION OF IT Computerized accounting implies that the only thing that employees do is inputting and recording transactions into the computer, which then processes the other steps of the accounting cycle automatically or by a request. Davis and Olson (1985) defined Information System adoption as using computer hardware and software applications to support operations, management, and decision making in the business. In this study, computerized accounting is defined as using computer software applications to support accounting operations. However, many small businesses are cautious about the effect computer may have in their firm. When a CAS is installed, if there is a bad option of hardware or software, or insufficient planning, this may lead to obscurity and may have severe long-term consequences. Some reasons constantly mentioned in literature to explain why small firms that had not yet adopted IT, identified the three main barriers to IT acquisition. 2.6.1 Lack of computer skills and knowledge Stanworth and Gray (1992) and Marlow (1998) reported that drains on time and money characterize important limitations. Computer technology infuses businesses both large and small; the need for employees with adequate IT knowledge is serious. There are two achievable solutions to this dilemma. Firstly, it is the employment of devoted IT staff. However, this is can be outer the budget of the small association and is expensive. Secondly, IT training is another choice. Conversely, this also appears to be costly. The courses for small firms, professional practices where clients are to be paid on a time basis, time used up when undertaking training is considered by many owner-managers to be a loss of income as all these have proved to be expensive. Accordingly, many small and medium enterprises struggle forward with what knowledge exists inside the organization. The small body of study emphasizing upon the outcome of training in small firms is contradictory. Delone (1988), investigation of vital process factors, stated that the level of computer training was not connected with IT success (measured as the impact of IT on the organization and computer use). On the other hand, Montazemi (1988) stated that there is a favourable relationship between levels of training and measures of the impact of IT. Where workers were disappointed with the levels of training available, he noticed their computer literacy, end-user fulfillment and approval of IT was poorer than their better-trained counterparts. In addition, Igbaria et al. (1997) accounted that training also is useful for small organizations. Their research demonstrates training to be definitely related with the apparent effectiveness of IT and to use it without difficulty. On the basis of their conclusions, Igbaria et al. declare that individuals with no sufficient training are liable to face troubles while using the system. Since they are struggling, they may in fact consider that the system is too rigid to utilize and that the performance remunerations of practice are offset by the hard work of employing it and finally become hesitant to adopt the technology, thus defeating the purpose of establishing the new technology. 2.6.2 Lack of Time Niederman et al.(1991) and Galliers et al.(1994) state that analysis carry out in large businesses have constantly revealed information systems (IS) planning to be one of the top priorities of information systems and business managers for time management. However, Fidler et al.(1993) and Dou- kidis et al, (1994) report that existing study puts forward that small organizations are fading to pursue the model set by their larger counterparts and remain, in terms of modern management practice, in the dark ages. Whilst it is recognized by Malone (1985) and Cragg (1990) that the official planning techniques of large businesses are not essentially suitable for small businesses as investigation recommends that small firms that have adopted more formal planning systems come across lesser IS problems. Regardless of such results, Cragg and King (1993) report finding `few formal planning and control activities associated with the computer, or for that matter, with the business as a whole. Where planning does take place it has a tendency to be assumed on an unexpected, problem basis; only an action of the owner-manager; informal, periodic and closed; and prejudiced seriously by advice from external sources with less skills and experience than the owner-manager. While Doukidis et al. (1996) suggests, although IT is generally linked with a systematic approach to management and decision-making and its introduction requires careful planning, much small business management performance is based on short-term, informal, ad hoc lines. Furthermore, McMahon (2001) study mentioned that it really develops management in small firms and frees up time by using a computerized record keeping system. However, John Breen and Nick Sciulli (2002) initiated that business operators are probable to have complexity finding time to put into operation a CAS as they lack the time to examine and or implement a computer software package. For that reason, it may have a positive effect on the business taken as a whole and may facilitate to find the time to adopt CAS, if owner-managers could have the required management and financial skills. Besides, Proudlock et al (1999) research observed that some businesses owners did not have enough time to locate and acquire particular accounting software that satisfy their business necessities, and they did not have time to set up the accounting software and to record the routine business dealings. This is why they did not adopt Information Technology in the financial accounting system. 2.6.3 financial resources Iacovou et al. (1995) finds that small and medium enterprises need a constant supply of sufficient financial resources for a flourishing adoption of CAS. The financial resources are looked-for to face the installation costs, maintenance, and other current expenses that might crop up during the whole course of the system operation. However, Iacovou et al. (2005), Quayle (2002) and Riquelme (2002) added that not all small and medium enterprises have enough financial resources needed to support the adoption of CAS and as such financial limitation becomes the barrier to CAS. Head (2000) confirmed that: ..small business cries poor when it comes to buying computers. This shows that it is very costly and difficult when shifting from manual system to computerized system. Also, due to costly investment, many small business managers were unwilling to use computer software in the accounting system as mentioned by Head (2000) research study. However, Doukidis et al. (1994) and Proudlock et al. (1998) state that consultant assistance comes at an elevated price, often too high for the small business. Consequently, many small organization owners prefer to obtain advice from neighbouring firms and support firms as well as less formal sources of advice such as immediate family, friends and acquaintances, who basically have little or no understanding of the business. In the same way, Delone (1988) and Gable (1991) affirmed that IT consultants may not always be the reply. Although they are familiar with the application of IT in business, they hardly ever are aware of the specific needs of individual businesses in the same depth as the owner-manager. 2.7 Conclusion This overview of past research studies has clearly demonstrated the criteria which influenced the factors for the adoption of information technology in the accounting profession for some small and medium businesses. Nevertheless, these past studies have lifted a debatable issue in the literature. Consequently, no contrasts are made between businesses that use a computerized accounting system. This assessment would be practical in the reasons for using or not using computerized records, over and above what factors would persuade more businesses to adopt IT irrespective of their dimensions. Moreover, according to the literature, all of the above characteristics influence the owner or managers decision to implement IT in the accounting field to a varying extent depending on the economy and industry in which the business operates. .

Friday, September 20, 2019

Report On Military Applications Of Gnss Information Technology Essay

Report On Military Applications Of Gnss Information Technology Essay Recent years have witnessed an increasingly use of GNSS technologies in diverse areas of human endeavours. Governments, organisations, individuals etc. are beginning to rely upon GNSS technology in finding solutions to problems in different fields of life (Spirent, 2002: 17). One obvious area where GNSS technology has been deployed successfully since the launching of satellite navigation is in military applications. Military applications of GNSS date back in 1978 when the first Global Positioning System was launched by US Department of Defence. Since then, many GNSS and associated navigation systems are being used in military mission fields. This report examines past and present military applications of GNSS; it also attempts to look into future of military applications in the context of emerging trends and developments in GNSS world. 1.2 Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is generic term encompassing all satellite navigation systems that allows users to determine their locations by observing radio signals transmitted by GNSS satellites. First among them is the US Navigation by Satellite Ranging and Timing (NAVSTAR) Global Positioning System (GPS). Russian Global Navigation Satellites System (GLONASS) is the second generation of GNSS, conceived also as a military system.. The next generation of GNSS is the European Unions Galileo which is expected to be in full operation by early 2014. GNSS market is poised for revolution with the full deployment of Galileo constellation of satellites. Other Regional GNSS include Beidou operated by China, although through its Compass, China has planned to launch satellite navigation system with global coverage. Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) is another GNSS in the development. Uncertainty still trail IRNSS project since India entered into partnership with Russian GLONASS. QZSS is another regional navigation system operated by Japan. It is developed to supplement GPS signals in Japan and neighbouring areas. Besides these, there are other regional GNSS space-based augmentation systems aim to improve the performance of GPS/GLONASS. The major regional augmentation systems are WAAS, EGNOS (European Geostationary National Overlay Service), MTSAT-Based Satellite Augmentation System (MSAS) in Japan and Indian GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) GPS and GLONASS stand out among the list when it comes to military applications. GPS and GLONASS have been used in many military operations. 1.3 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) US Global Positioning System (GPS) was designed as a dual-use technology (civilian and military use). The positioning service available to civil users is called Standard Positioning Service, while that of the military is called Precise Positioning Service. GPSs Precise Positioning Service (PPS) is used for most military applications. Precise Positioning Service is restricted to only US military, NATO forces, and other users licensed by US Government. The encrypted precise code signals P(Y) and M-code are used for military applications. M- Code is a new signal being to realise the fundamental aim of achieving precise and accurate navigation services for military applications. These signals are broadcasted in link 1 (L1) and link 2 (L2) bands. L1C-d and L1C-p signals will be added to the PPS users under the GPS phased modernisation programme (Groves, 2008: 12). In times of navigation data messages, MNAV message broadcasts are broadcast on M-code signals. GPS is presently undergoing p hased restructuring and modernisation and it is expected that new programme will ensure that existing users are transmitted P(Y) code while the new users are transmitted new M code (Kaplan and Hegarty (2006: 654). 1.4. GLONASS Like GPS, GLONASS was conceived as a military system but designed to offer both military and civil positioning service (Groves 2008: 17). GLONASS P code signals are used for military applications and transmitted in both bands LI and L2 with frequencies 1592.95MHz 1613.86MHz and 1237.83 MHz 1256MHz respectively (Groves, 2008: 19). GLONASS K, fully modernised satellites are set to broadcast new signals that will improve the accuracy of military operations. 2.0 GNSS Positioning Requirements: The positioning principles are basically the same for GNSS systems. Generally, a GNSS receiver records three or more satellites signals to determine a 2 dimensional coordinates, while four or more signals are needed for 3 dimensional coordinates. The accuracy of GNSS position solution depends on the type of GNSS device used and application under consideration. Accuracy: Accuracy is a critical factor in military applications. GPS was launched because of the military requirements for high accurate global navigation (Len, 2007:185). In case of timing service, military operations require precise time transfer for synchronization of equipment and various operations (Len 2007: 184). The GPS PPS offers horizontal accuracy of 1.2m and vertical accuracy of 1.9m based on 24 satellite constellations (Groves, 2008). With its modernisation program, GLONASS is set to compete with GPS as it planned to achieve the same positioning accuracy with GPS. The Galileo Public-Regulated Service (PRS) has a lower accuracy when compared to that of GPS PPS; it has horizontal accuracy of 3m and vertical accuracy of 6m, much more lower to its Open Service (Groves, 2008: 20) Availability: Availability is also of the important characteristics of GNSS performance. Availability of navigation system is defined by US Federal Radionavigation Plan (FRP) as the percentage of time that the services of the system are within the required performance limits (Wang et al 2006: 1). Global availability of GNSS for military applications is expected to increase with the ongoing modernisation of GLONASS. GLONASS K satellites when fully launched will improve the accuracy of P code for military applications. India has partnered with Russia in the GLONASS project, and it is expected that India and other countries will have access GLONASS military signals for their mission operations and equipment testing. Aside from GPS military signals, more countries are today using civil signals in many military missions and equipment testing. Integrity: GPS will have full integrity monitoring and alert system as the fourth segment when the modernisation programme is completed. GLONASS K satellites will broadcast integrity information and differential corrections in L3 band. Similarly, Galileo will broadcast integrity alerts and some differential corrections. 2.1 GNSS Markets GNSS technology is naturally divided into two broad markets/applications civil / commercial markets and military markets. The user equipment used in military applications can be classified into two types: (i) GNSS receivers operated by human beings such as handheld type, human operated receivers on ships, aircrafts and vehicles (Len, 2007: 184 -185) (ii) Autonomous receivers these are not dependent of any human operation and usually integrated with inertial sensors. They are used in guided missile programs and newer military applications. Comparison between Military and Civil Receivers Military Civil Frequencies L1, L2 L1 and /or L1, L2 (L5 on 11F satellites Codes P(Y), M, C/A, C C/A and C (on modernised satellites Size/weight/power Card, handheld, receiver unit Chips, handheld, receiver unit Navigation accuracy 1m to 5m 5m to 10m Anti interference Greater than 54 dB Usually not more than 24 dB Integration A/J antennas, communications, inertial sensors Speed/heading sensors, communications, GIS, inertial sensors Adapted from (Len 2007: 183) 3.0 Military Applications of GNSS Of all GNSS, GPS has been most widely used in military applications. Essentially, GPS was developed to satisfy military requirements for a global positioning, navigation and timing service. (Kaplan, and Hegarty, 2006: 654). Military application of GPS started in late 1970s when GPS was used for weapon testing in the then US Navy Submarine Launched Ballistic Program (SLBM). GPS was used to track the Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles from a ship as the missile travelled down the Atlantic (Len, 2007: 174). The GPS military equipment used for the missile testing then made use of translator. Subsequently, other weapon testing was conducted in the air and ground vehicles (Len, 2007: 177). Today, GPS can be deployed to variety of military applications. Some of these include: target acquisition; missile guidance, search and rescue; coordinate bombing; precision survey, instrument approach; antisubmarine warfare; range instrumentation; remotely piloted vehicle operations; barebase operati ons; close air support; en route navigation; command and control; field artillery and shore bombardment; rendezvous, sensor emplacement etc. (Len, 2007: 177 -178). Other military applications of GNSS include mine location, enemy radar location, Special Forces intelligence gathering etc (Dye and Baylin, 1997: 82). 3.1 GNSS/ Inertial Integration Systems: GNSS such as GPS has been proved to be weak in term of providing high quality and reliable position solution (Spirent, 2010). Thus inertial sensors are being used in many applications to complement GNSS. Inertial navigation system is a small, self contained device that uses inertial sensors (accelerometers and gyroscopes) to calculate position and velocity solution of a moving object (Logsdon, 1995: 39). It makes use of dead reckoning navigation system (Groves 2008: 7). Using GPS measurements, INS navigation solution is calibrated and corrected via integration algorithm (Groves and Long, 2005: 2). GPS/INS integration is popular in the guided weapons and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) where low cost sensors are used (Groves and Long, 2005: 2). INS function independently of GNSS signals susceptible to jamming, interference, enemy manipulation and other distortions and are therefore used in many military applications (Dye and Baylin, 1997: 13). Examples of practical applications of GNSS/ INS based solutions are given in the report. Advantages of GNSS/INS based solution: INS offers continuous navigation operations; it provides high-bandwidth output (50 Hz) and low short-term noise; it also provides attitude, angular rate, and acceleration measurements as well as position and velocity (Groves and Long 2005: 419) (Groves 2008: 8). GPS provides a high accuracy which does not drift with time(Groves and Long, 2005: 419) Disadvantages of GNSS/INS based solution: The accuracy of INS output is degraded with time thus necessitating the need to calibrate the errors (Groves 2008: 8). Unlike INS, GNSS has lower bandwidth (1Hz), more noisier than that INS and does not usually include altitude (Groves and Long 2005: 419, 420) One obvious challenge in the military use of GNSS is issue of deliberate jamming and interference by the enemies. GPS receivers have been found to be susceptible to jamming due to low signal power of GPS signal. This trend has raised a concern to US Department of Defence in the recent years thus signalling the programme of developing various anti-jamming techniques to mitigate these effects. Recent anti jamming technologies include nulling of antennas and ultra tight coupling of the GPS and the inertial sensors (Kaplan, and Hegarty (2006: 656). 3.2 Practical Applications of GPS in Precision Guidance In 1991, US army and its allies successfully deployed GPS in the attack to rescue oil rich Kuwait after its invasion by Iraq in an operation tagged Operation Desert Storm. GPS receivers were fitted in the military aircrafts and helicopters, bombs were dropped from these aircrafts as targeted thus eliminating unwanted casualties. GPS receivers were used to know the coordinates of the targets so that the weapons can be delivered accurately. In 1995, GPS was also deployed during the Bosnia war by the combined US and NATO forces in a campaign tagged Operation Deliberate Force. Military aircrafts operating from their base in Italy were fully equipped with GPS equipment in the strike against the Bosnia Serb forces. Perhaps, the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is the most impressive breakthrough GPS has achieved in area of precision guidance. JDAM is an independent, tail kit with gravity bomb; it is usually mounted on the military fighter jets and uses GPS/INS guidance to deliver the target (Cozzens, 2006). JDAM has the capability of working in all weather conditions and its accuracy is not dependent on the altitude (Cozzens, 2006). JDAM recorded 9.6m accuracy during their testing. JDAM have been successfully deployed in many operations. For example, in June 2006, US Air Force successfully used GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition equipped with GPS precision guidance to kill former Iraq terrorist leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi in his house (Cozzens, 2006). Once on the air, GPS/INS guidance enables the gravity bomb to be delivered accurately at the targets (Cozzens, 2006). In case of GLONASS, Russian military has deployed GLONASS military signals in many missions (Len, 2007: 189). Russian Federation Airforce recently developed latest KAB family of weapons called KAB 500S. KAB 500S is a guided bomb similar to that of US JDAM. KAB 500S can be dropped from aircraft at altitudes of 500 to 10,000 metres and airspeeds of 550 to 1,100 kilometres per hour (Deagel, 2007). It uses GLONASS Military code and INS to strike the targets (Len, 2007: 189). The third generation GNSS, Galileo has encrypted signal Public Regulated Service that may be used for military applications in the near future. 4.0 GNSS Future and Military Applications: The GNSS have made giant strides in military applications particularly in area of guided weaponry and smart bombs. GPS-aided munitions, ranging from artillery shells to smart shells have proved to be a reliable technology in recent time in times of accuracy (Lucio, (2002), (Wells, (2001). Countries all over the world will continue to embrace these technologies as cheaper GPS/INS coupled munitions are being produced to meet the requirements for accurate, precise timing and navigation solutions in the land, air and sea in near future. Current developments in GNSS industry like new signals and constellations acquisition will usher new era of high accurate military based satellite navigation. The separation of GPS signals for military and civilian use will lessen the effects of jamming and interference in military operations coupled with high signal power of new M code. GPS new military code will improve the anti-jamming capability of the system as current modernisation programme will make it autonomous. Non coherence integration of the acquisition circuit of the new military code will enhance the performance of the system in the presence of noise and jamming (Betz et al, 2005: 45, 46). In the area of system integrity, modernization programme of GPS and GLONASS will offer users more reliable measurements as they will have options to validate GNSS measurements. Presently, only GPS and GLONASS are used for military applications. I look at future where GNSS will be more available for military applications. More countries will be authorised to have access to GPS P(Y) code in near future and others will want develop their own SBASs. For example, Nigeria has developed its own SBAS called NIGCOMSAT with coverage only in Nigeria for now. Modernised GPS civil signals will continue to be used by countries not authorised to use P(Y) code. Only, recently, Russian Government announced that GLONASS military signals will be freely made available to any country that want to use them. Already, India and Russian have agreed to collaborate on GLONASS project (Len, 2007: 190). It is expected that more Countries will enter into agreements with Russian when GLONASS constellation of satellites are fully deployed in the orbit. China is making steady progress on its Compass project and is poised to use the system to strengthen its national security. Finally, GNSS industry is geared for revolution when Galileo is fully operationalised in next few years. Galileo has an encrypted signal PRS which has potentials for military applications. It is already been speculated that this may be used for military applications in the near future, although Galileo is purely conceived as a civilian system.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Iago, the Outsider of Shakespeare’s Othello Essay -- essays research

In any story with a recurring dark theme there always must be an outsider from humanity who somehow stands out from the seemingly equal community. In the case of Shakespeare’s Othello the outsider from humanity would be Iago for he truly stands out from the rest of society. Although Othello may be physically put out of the community, it seems that on an emotional and egotistical level Iago puts himself out of society further then Othello’s blackness does. He is not merely manipulative, as other villains are; he turns aspects of truth and good qualities, which he does not possess, and uses them as weakness for his own scheme. He deceives people to follow his plans by telling them the truth and what seems to be good advice. By standing on the side and watching people he seems to learn more about them then they even know themselves. He seems to envy these people and the relationships that they possess, becuase he will never know what these connections feel like. He uses p eople’s strengths as their weaknesses to bring them to their doom. He causes much destruction and is driven by a force that the reader cannot even understand. Iago makes himself an outsider by not realizing that his ego causes him to hate and disrespect all of humanity. Iago respects no one and yet is cunning enough to make people continue to trust and respect him. This is a truly super human quality in Iago that allows him to manipulate people to do what he wants without them knowing. He is married to Emilia, and although the reader would see marriage as a sacred bond, Iago manipulates it for his selfish ways. It may be his careless marriage that causes him to feel that he must destroy Desdemona’s and Othello’s. This would show his childish, jealous mentality towards others. The reason he treats Emilia so badly may be that he blames her for their dysfunctional marriage. From this, she has gained a perhaps not so tainted image of men and husbandry. She describes men â€Å"are all but stomachs, and we all but food; they eat us hungerly, and when they are full, they belch us.† (III, iv, 98-100) Iago treats Emilia as if she were a slave at his every whim and she knows it but for some reason Iago has tricked her into thinking thatâ €™s the way life is in marriage; so although Emilia may seem like the more experienced character in the play she herself cannot even see the corruptness in Iago’s ways. Ano... ... His plan stays secretive throughout the entire play. It leaves the characters in the play as well as the reader with an eerie brooding feeling at the end. The only reason that comes to mind is his jealousy of the nobility that the other characters possess. It may be that there is no motive but his pure hatred for humanity and if he must be a part of it, he will create a hell for everyone else in it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Iago is the perfect villain in the sense that he is a true outsider from humanity. You can almost respect him in the fact that he can do such wrong with absolutely no recognition of the destruction he has caused. Plus he is able to manipulate people’s good qualities such as trust and love and use them for his own immoral benefit. It may be that Iago himself does not possess any of these good qualities so he cannot understand goodness or it might be that he is merely jealous of the beautiful relationships and noble people surrounding him and he has had enough. Whatever the reason, Iago purposely puts himself outside of humanity because he is egotistical in nature and feels that he deserves to disrespect everyone. Shakespeare, William. Othello. New York: Oxford School, 2002.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Legalized Killing Should Be Abolished Essay -- Capital Punishment

Capital punishment, also called death penalty, is the punishment by death for a crime, and the only form of legalized killing. It may be carried out by electrocution, hanging, lethal injection, gas chamber, and firing squad. The death penalty has been banished in over one hundred and thirty countries, and it has been abolished in every industrialized nation except for the United States of America. In the United States, capital punishment has been an extremely controversial issue that divides the country and leads to disharmony. The death penalty abolition movement is growing, and some progress is being made, but there is a lot of work yet to be done. There are various organizations using different avenues to abolish the death penalty. They have been successful in New Mexico, Illinois, New Jersey and New York. These are organizations like Amnesty International, The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (NCADP), and The People of Faith against the Death Penalty (PFADP). Amnesty international is an eloquent and a well-known organization that is established in different parts of the world and active in the defense of human rights since 1961. It is one of the largest and best-known international nongovernmental organizations that is dedicated to humanitarian treatment of all people. Amnesty means a general pardon for offenses or an act of forgiveness for past offenses. They serve several purposes on the bringing about of equality, peace and social justice. However, one of their main goals is to abolish the death penalty. The organization has been quite successful in many countries and some states in the United States. Amnesty International stands out, because it has good governmental contacts all around the world, so â€Å"Amnest... ... 2012. . Draper, Thomas. Capital Punishment. New York: H.W. Wilson, 1985. Print. Gottfried, Ted. The Death Penalty: Justice or Legalized Murder? Brookfield, CT: Twenty-First Century, 2002. Print. Illustrated Oxford Dictionary. London [etc.: Dorling Kindersley, 2003. Print. Kennedy Cuomo. â€Å"Abolish Capital Punishment† in Blot, David (Ed.) Supplementary Readings on Peace and Nonviolence. Bronx, New York: self-Published, 2008. Kronenwetter, Michael. Capital Punishment: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2001. Print. McCarthy, Colman. "The World's Only True False Quiz on Legalized Killing." The Center for Teaching Peace. Newsletter, 2011. Weisberg, Roger and Vanessa Roth. â€Å"No Tomorrow (DVD).† Docuramafilms. A Production of Public Policy Productions, 2010.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Adulthood: Meaning of Life and Adult Essay

?Like most people, I had the urge to grow up quickly. Despite the constant â€Å"they grow up so fast† from relatives, it was not fast enough for me. I used to say, â€Å"I can’t wait until I grow up,† usually when I was frustrated with my mom’s strict rules. I fantasized about living a posh life, walking under the warm sun wearing designer shades with my athletic boyfriend before stopping at a restaurant and drinking expensive wines without my mom nagging me. My fantasy would abruptly end when my mom shattered my thoughts by reminding me that it was getting late and I had not yet started my homework. Sigh. Through my own experiences—wearing excessive makeup to make myself appear older and dating older guys—and enlightenment, my views of being an adult have changed. Adulthood is something that will occur whether we are ready or not. College is a big leap that forces people into that transition from childhood to the beginning of adult life, especially if you are going to be living on campus. In college, I will have to cook and clean and care for myself. I will no longer have my mom telling me to avoid certain people, not to procrastinate and to make the right decisions. However, I will be able to keep the advice my mom has instilled in me so far, even when we are apart, although it may be hard to do so with the partying and alcohol and stress of college. Legally, being an adult could mean being 18, yet there is no way that minute that distinguishes someone from being 17 on one day and 18 the next can determine their adulthood. Being an adult comes gradually as people take responsibilities for their actions, take care of priorities and look out for themselves with limited support of others. Adulthood is not determined by age or ability to bear children or being physically developed. I know people older than 18 who have not yet obtained these traits and I’ve seen many teen moms dependent on their parents to support the baby. I will be an adult when I am able to make the right decisions determined by my morals that I have acquired over my years, when I understand the repercussions of my actions, when I am self-sufficient or accept limited help from parents or friends, and when I care not only for myself but others. The closer I get the more frightened I become. Now I’m in no rush to become an adult. I will take advantage of my mom’s guidance and housing and rules for as long as I can. I will enjoy the moment I am in and embrace my life when I am an adult. What does make you a grown-up? Is it moving out of the house? Hitting a certain age? Having a relationship? Getting a job? How is it that we can do those things, that we consider to be â€Å"adult†, but we still feel like kids? Or that we feel like grown-ups, we’re certainly old enough, but we haven’t seemed to have accomplished any of those things â€Å"grown-ups† have done? For me being an adult is a compilation of various features and components and is more or less a personal achievement. There is no exact pattern of becoming an adult as every single person has their own way of improvement. But you always have to make that first step that draws the beginning of your self-improving. There are a number of abilities I believe you have to acomplish in order to even begin to get closer to being an adult. The ability of making reasonable decisions for yourself and people around you, being able to take responsibility for your actions, able to make the most of what you have and try to improve yourself in any possible way. Becoming an adult is a journey everyone should make at a certain moment in order to become the most they can be, to grow as an individual – mentaly and spiritually. Many people find it rather difficult and they†¦ [continues] There is no clear determinant for determining when a person becomes an adult, Some say it’s when you turn eighteen others say it’s when you get your drivers license. One thing is for sure though to become an adult you must be mature and ready to take on the world. Being an adult means achieving a separate identity, being able to support your self and/or your family financially, and being able to provide yourself with a house or a place to call home. Adulthood consists of many different aspects, and is not an easy part of life. To become an adult you must achieve a separate identity. Erik Erickson a Austrian psychologist defined identity as â€Å"a sense of self part from one’s family. † This means to be an adult you must become independent so that you will be provided the opportunity to learn and take responsibility for your own lives. Young adults need to know who they are in order to be self-dependent, they also need to know their strengths and weaknesses, and the values they consider to be important to them. People never seem to quite understand the meaning of being an â€Å"adult†. I myself am not very sure of the full meaning of it. It has always seemed to me that age is irrelevant. You can be 12 and understand things better than a 30-year-old or you can be 40, have two PhD’s and still wonder if pigeons are migratory birds. Many people my age think that getting out of their parents’ house is an act of maturity but how does changing your situation prove that you are an â€Å"adult†? If they run away from home it is more likely to lose themselves trying to cope alone and underprepared with the difficulties in life. To become an adult you must achieve a separate identity. Still everyone perceives the world and every thought in it through their own consciousness. Adulthood: Meaning of Life and Adult Essay ?Like most people, I had the urge to grow up quickly. Despite the constant â€Å"they grow up so fast† from relatives, it was not fast enough for me. I used to say, â€Å"I can’t wait until I grow up,† usually when I was frustrated with my mom’s strict rules. I fantasized about living a posh life, walking under the warm sun wearing designer shades with my athletic boyfriend before stopping at a restaurant and drinking expensive wines without my mom nagging me. My fantasy would abruptly end when my mom shattered my thoughts by reminding me that it was getting late and I had not yet started my homework. Sigh. Through my own experiences—wearing excessive makeup to make myself appear older and dating older guys—and enlightenment, my views of being an adult have changed. Adulthood is something that will occur whether we are ready or not. College is a big leap that forces people into that transition from childhood to the beginning of adult life, especially if you are going to be living on campus. In college, I will have to cook and clean and care for myself. I will no longer have my mom telling me to avoid certain people, not to procrastinate and to make the right decisions. However, I will be able to keep the advice my mom has instilled in me so far, even when we are apart, although it may be hard to do so with the partying and alcohol and stress of college. Legally, being an adult could mean being 18, yet there is no way that minute that distinguishes someone from being 17 on one day and 18 the next can determine their adulthood. Being an adult comes gradually as people take responsibilities for their actions, take care of priorities and look out for themselves with limited support of others. Adulthood is not determined by age or ability to bear children or being physically developed. I know people older than 18 who have not yet obtained these traits and I’ve seen many teen moms dependent on their parents to support the baby. I will be an adult when I am able to make the right decisions determined by my morals that I have acquired over my years, when I understand the repercussions of my actions, when I am self-sufficient or accept limited help from parents or friends, and when I care not only for myself but others. The closer I get the more frightened I become. Now I’m in no rush to become an adult. I will take advantage of my mom’s guidance and housing and rules for as long as I can. I will enjoy the moment I am in and embrace my life when I am an adult. What does make you a grown-up? Is it moving out of the house? Hitting a certain age? Having a relationship? Getting a job? How is it that we can do those things, that we consider to be â€Å"adult†, but we still feel like kids? Or that we feel like grown-ups, we’re certainly old enough, but we haven’t seemed to have accomplished any of those things â€Å"grown-ups† have done? For me being an adult is a compilation of various features and components and is more or less a personal achievement. There is no exact pattern of becoming an adult as every single person has their own way of improvement. But you always have to make that first step that draws the beginning of your self-improving. There are a number of abilities I believe you have to acomplish in order to even begin to get closer to being an adult. The ability of making reasonable decisions for yourself and people around you, being able to take responsibility for your actions, able to make the most of what you have and try to improve yourself in any possible way. Becoming an adult is a journey everyone should make at a certain moment in order to become the most they can be, to grow as an individual – mentaly and spiritually. Many people find it rather difficult and they†¦ [continues] There is no clear determinant for determining when a person becomes an adult, Some say it’s when you turn eighteen others say it’s when you get your drivers license. One thing is for sure though to become an adult you must be mature and ready to take on the world. Being an adult means achieving a separate identity, being able to support your self and/or your family financially, and being able to provide yourself with a house or a place to call home. Adulthood consists of many different aspects, and is not an easy part of life. To become an adult you must achieve a separate identity. Erik Erickson a Austrian psychologist defined identity as â€Å"a sense of self part from one’s family. † This means to be an adult you must become independent so that you will be provided the opportunity to learn and take responsibility for your own lives. Young adults need to know who they are in order to be self-dependent, they also need to know their strengths and weaknesses, and the values they consider to be important to them. People never seem to quite understand the meaning of being an â€Å"adult†. I myself am not very sure of the full meaning of it. It has always seemed to me that age is irrelevant. You can be 12 and understand things better than a 30-year-old or you can be 40, have two PhD’s and still wonder if pigeons are migratory birds. Many people my age think that getting out of their parents’ house is an act of maturity but how does changing your situation prove that you are an â€Å"adult†? If they run away from home it is more likely to lose themselves trying to cope alone and underprepared with the difficulties in life. To become an adult you must achieve a separate identity. Still everyone perceives the world and every thought in it through their own consciousness.