Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Choose a consumer product or service that is on the market today, but Assignment

Choose a consumer product or service that is on the market today, but is declining in appeal to consumers. This product should b - Assignment Example Another explanation would be that competitors have been offering a slightly different product from the existing one with the same functions and latest features. This paper presents the current position and performance of desktop computers in the market and recommends possible ways to save the products from becoming more obsolete. Furthermore, this paper examines some market issues that greatly affect the desktop PC market. Desktop Computer and its Current Market Desktop personal computers came into existence before the latest computer tablets and netbooks were introduced to the market. Traditional personal computer has central processing units (CPU) unlike the current handy laptops and tablets. Basically, the target markets of desktop computers were businesses like internet cafes, hotels, and families with household internet access. Businesses often get desktop computers for their employees and executives for business related transactions because desktops run faster than laptops. Hou seholds also get at least one desktop computer at home despite the fact that family members may already have laptops and smartphones. According to the 2010 US Census, 63% of households with income of less than $50,000 have personal computers (desktop and/or laptops); 91% of the households having income of $50,000-$99,999; 96% of households with $100,000-$149,999; 97% of the households with income of $150,000 and more own personal computers; and, 68% of the households with income not reported have computers. Having children is also a factor to getting personal computers by households. In the same US Census, 84.1% of the households with children 6-17 years old have PCs; 79.3% of households with children not within the 6-17 range own home computers; and, 70.9% of the households with no children have personal computers. Another important demographic that also affects the decision of getting computers is the educational attainment of the households. The 2010 US Census showed that only 41 .8% of those who did not graduate from high school have home computers; 64.8% owns PCs from households with high school graduates or General Education Attainment (GED); 81.6% of those who have some college or associate degrees; and, 90.9% of the households with bachelor’s degrees and higher have personal computers. Reasons for Declining in Popularity â€Å"The decline of desktop isn’t surprising,† says Arthur (2012). According to Wilcox (2012), US sales of personal computers had reached its lowest peak on the fourth quarter of 2011, which was said to be the worst since 2001. Apple’s iPad tablets have been hurting the PC industry and affecting the current sales (Randewich, 2012). In spite of the weak sales of personal computers, Apple products have continued to flourish. Although the declining sales was partly caused by the floods in Thailand, one cannot deny the fact that consumer behaviors have also changed. Consumers are more concern on buying something that is not bulky or huge and offers multiple applications. Nowadays, most tech savvy individuals prefer to get the latest gadget. They are not anymore into desktop computers since they find it hard to update some windows applications. Smartphones, computer tablets, and netbooks have up to date applications and features. Most students already own smartphones and laptops; there would be no use of getting a desktop computer. Majority of the smartphone and laptop features have grown to be impressive over the years of

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