Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Personal Ethical Foundations Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethical Foundations - Personal Statement Example I have moral obligation to offer my patients the best care possible to alleviate their suffering because it is right to help a person in need. I would not perform abortions because it’s murder unless when saving the life of the mother. This is a dilemma but by saving the mother, I am following the natural law. I would not practice in eugenics or assist in voluntary suicide because it is morally wrong and is against the social norms of the society. These laws preserve the dignity of human life and the sanctity of life as it is God given. They uphold the dignity and respect of medical practice and all who practice it. Human nature makes upholding natural law very difficult. One must be virtuous to have consistency in medical practice. According to Aristotle, a virtue lies between two central vices and is described as the mean by reference to two vices. Cardinal virtues expounded by ancient Greek philosophers are courage, prudence, temperance, and justice. By using reason, we make the right decisions and this will make me achieve job satisfaction and eventually actualization. By being courageous and doing the right thing we get happier and better at our jobs, this law is fundamental to success in the work place, as the code of conduct will govern most of the key decisions in the work place eliminating unnecessary conflict of beliefs. It is my responsibility to care for my patients and be responsive to their needs at all times during their medical care. It is not right to say that this principle applies to females alone as all practitioners care for the sick in health facilities. My responsibility would be to reduce their physical and emotional suffering by using own experience and expertise in the medical field. I would not withhold necessary treatment and facilities to a sick individual for whatever reason because it is morally wrong and against the medical code of ethics. It would be wrong to offer

Monday, October 28, 2019

Economic Recovery in UK Essay Example for Free

Economic Recovery in UK Essay Introduction Over the past few years, UK economy has been is a recession period characterized by decline in positive business conditions. This period indicated unfavorable business environment due to aspects of high taxation, reduced demand and high cost of imports. The period was also characterized by low cost of imports which results to unfavorable balance of trade in UK. Economic downturn in UK has great influence in business especially the high street brands (Holley, 2012). With that kind of economic, grow conditions there was increased concerns about the future of high street s. this trend threatened the long term survival and attractiveness of high street brands since the economic conditions undermined the ability to attract a range of potential customers and other businesses. However, signs of economic recovery are evident in United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is returning to economic growth, this is according to a range of economic indicators which reveal a stable housing market; firm’s raising confidence and employees’ readiness to hire (Irvin, 2006). According to economic data is growing faster where effects are felt throughout the economy. The data suggests that the economic recovery is evident in nearly all sectors in the United Kingdom economy. According to economic data in UK, the economy grew by 0.8 percent compared to last year economic grow denoted by 0.4 percent (Holley, 2012).  Ã‚   Considerably, economic recovery in UK has greatly boosted business in the country. For instance, many organizations have grown considerably in the current business environment that is ensured by the economy recovery. More precisely, companies such as Tesco has registered and increase in the total sales compared to recent past (Tesco annual report, 2013). This in turn has enhanced organizations strategic approach in regard planning in the current business environment. Most important, the constant economic recovery mood in UK is improving as most businesses are reacting to the increased business confidence through search of new markets. The situation has also encouraged investment and saving in United Kingdom. Increase in business confidence is accelerating; this is a fundamental financial performance signal in UK that indicates reported profit and turnover rise and is expected to improve further (Irvin, 2006). According to economic data, unemployment level has decreased drastically since the start of economic recovery in the country. This situation is characterized by increased demand, growth of most of sector especially retail. In addition, economic firing has ensured favorable balance of payment in UK (Holley, 2012). The economic recovery in UK also indicates enhanced future for high streets brands since it is improving its attractiveness and survival. According to economic data, improved economic conditions in UK will attract more potential investors and retailers to high street brands business. This because of the enhance business confidence and favorable business climate in United Kingdom. Generally, all sectors of United Kingdom economy are growing considerably showing continuing creation of employment opportunities by the government, educated workforce and enhanced living standards through reduction of costs of living (Irvin, 2006). According to economic data, there are indications of enhanced consumer confidence in United Kingdom. This phenomenon is precisely defined by the current economic recovery in  Ã‚   the country. According to Holley (2012), the level of consumer confidence is high indicated by the current economic conditions in a country. The improvement in consumer confidence is also ensured due the decline in unemployment in UK which helps to boost confidence. In addition, decline in house prices has also accounted for the improved consumer confidence in UK. Consumer confidence is fundamental as it influences economic policies in a country. Considerably, increased consumer confidence in UK has caused households to opt to invest instead of savings since they are confident of better returns with the prevailing economic conditions in the country. Positive trading conditions as a result of economic growth in U.K Growth in business confidence is a major indicator that enhances economic growth. This has lead many investors in the UK to invest in many sectors since they have confidence on the business has there is a confirmed stable growth that motivates them to even invest more in other different sectors. This trading condition has highly encouraged many businesses to search for new markets in the UK and this comes a result of them many investors within and outside UK having enough confidence on what they are investing thus, these has attributed much to enormous growth in their economy. In addition, they expect growth to create a huge pace now as the recovery continues to build steadily and business investment and net trade are also expected to offer increasing support to enhance over the coming years (Trade and investment for growth, 2011). Fairtrade sales in U.K have highly increases going up to â‚ ¬2.89bn globally towards the end of 2008 (Cofnas, 2012).   On the same line with the economic growth there is a high increase in demand that helped to avoid the economic crisis and demonstrate the difference that depict with Fairtrades. Consequently, Fairtrade is highly attributed towards enhancing the economic growth in UK. Many of the latest research prevail that through the mechanisms entailed, Fairtrade grants a positive economic opportunity for those individuals with smallholder farming families competent and ready to join producer associations and provide products of the right provisions for the required market. Consequently, numerous Fairtrade co-operatives are appropriate and are becoming stronger, frequently showing a higher capacity to survive in intricate times and becoming capable to grant important services to their members. This strengthening is mainly noticeable where producer ownership supplementary along the assessment chain is attained as demonstrated by the share ownership of producers (Cofnas, 2012). Increase in supply is another positive condition that has resulted from the economic growth in the UK. This came into consideration has the government offers and subsides to those producers of the necessary goods and services which generates external benefits that will diminish the cost of production as well has encourage more supply. This has been enacted to encourage the supply of merit goods in the UK. For instance in the education sector, health and those issues dealing with the housing finance and therefore, these particular merits can easily be funded from the local government taxation or from the nongovernmental organization and this has highly contributed to the economic growth over the last few years. This is basically because they focus on the public goods, for example they concentrate on building roads, bridges, airports and other more areas that are considered to be generating more income thus showing an increase in tax revenue. In addition, the food processing industry such as Cadbury plc is among those who have heavily benefited from the positive trading conditions, thus it noted to be among the largest leading confectionary with a wide range of products. Back in 2007, the Cadbury plc closed down the keynsham chocolate factory and this lead to about jobs closed. This was enhanced by the wake of wake of the global economic crunch, however, Presently, Hershey Chocolate Company, a US based plc is making tireless efforts to acquire Cadbury so as to enjoy broad world markets due to the positive tradition conditions that have been put in place and enhanced fully. Lastly, tariffs or free trade is another indicator that has enhances economic growth in the UK.   According to the economists, when high tariff was not formulated, UK was not economically productive as it was stuck in a huge economic depression in the early years. In contrast, the tariff has currently created appropriate economy in that there is large proportion of the entire population at the same time dependent on commerce and industry sector. The imposition of free tariff has highly promoted growth of several industries. According to the economists, the persistence in economic history, it shows the free trade provides long-run conditions for growth that maybe better than any other way (Aldridge, 2013). How positive trading conditions affects approaches to strategic planning Strategic planning is the process in an organization which leads the organization to coming up with news strategies and ideas and finding for means of achieving those strategies as one way of improving an organization or company. It deals with knowing what is to be done, how it is going to be done and for what purpose and the means of doing it. Strategic planning involves understanding a company’s mission, vision, strategies, aims, objectives, goals and achievements. The tools required for this include the pestle factors example economic, social, political, legal, environmental and technological and informatics factors. The construction industry which had been affected by the economic breakdown is now improving as various business strategies are being enhanced. United Kingdom’s GDP is pushed upwardly through enhancing the positive trading conditions. The trading conditions in the United Kingdom are currently improving amidst many challenges facing the economy of Britain thus if the GDP is to move upwards then the trading conditions must be improved. Last year November, the United Kingdom’s exports had a small positive change which made the imports to decrease thus enhancing positive trading conditions which in return reflected a positive change in the GDP (Great Britain Great Britain, 2013). Change in trading conditions impacts greatly on the GDP thus it is determined by trading conditions. United Kingdom’s sterling pound is weakening which contributes to an increase in the amounts exported because of recovery in trade worldwide. Thus as the number of exports increases the GDP maintains a positive move thereby stabilizing the economy thereby maintaining the strategic planning in order to maintain that positive move in the economy. Trading conditions determines which strategies to be put in place, when they will be made, who will make those strategies and resources required for the strategies to remain successful. The United Kingdom’s trading conditions has suffered challenges over the last few years but lately the trading conditions are taking a positive direction. The manufacturers have learnt their lessons and identified their mistakes which enable them make strategic plans in order to avoid such mistakes in future. Strategic plans have been made in such a way that employment and investments remain balanced. By doing this, the economy of United Kingdom is getting boosted and the sterling pound is gaining value (Great Britain, 2007). Investors and employers are applying good strategic planning which is greatly reflected by improvement of trading conditions and economy at large. The manufacturers are now getting huge profits, importing less and exporting more which shows that the trade market is improving greatly. The United Kingdom is trying to balance its trade which is affected by a number of factors (Middleton, Rodger MacCulloch, 2008). The production cost of the exports should always remain lower than the cost of importation for the economy to remain stable. United Kingdom is strategizing that there are enough and available raw materials instead of importing them. It has put restrictions on trade in terms of taxes and made sure that the trading environment is maintained inclusive of standards of health, safety of its people and conducive environment. Foreign exchange is a key strategy and a contributing factor in the economy of the United Kingdom. The high the foreign exchange the more stable the economy is and vice versa. In addition, it has come up with the strategy of minimizing the cost of the goods sold locally and increasing the cost of its exports. In addition, it has reduced the amount of imports in the country by producing most products locally. The commercial banks and investments banks were greatly affected by the economic decline then followed by the construction and insurance firms and companies. Through the good strategies enhanced the economic started to rise and is now growing to higher standards. The merits, effectiveness and relevance of prescriptive and emergent approaches to strategic planning in this improving economic climate The effectiveness on the strategic planning is based on the ability on how managers and leaders are able to establish concrete strategies which help them attain their vision and mission in the most appropriate means possible.   Strategic planning is fundamental to address long term issues which might which might be as a result of prescriptive and emergent approaches.   During hard economic times, strategic planning is vital for organization to draw up tangible strategies capable to enable the firm to reach out its desired goals and objectives. Prescriptive strategic planning can be defined as a strategy established before the whole implementation process starts (Jeffs, 2008). The whole idea revolves around investigation, planning, development and full implementation.   This approach is vital particularly to ensure analysis of a firm is stable in relation to the economic conditions. Prescriptive strategy is more focused towards developing enough ability to predict the changes occurring on the external environment. This approach makes it achievable to systematize difficult activities and conditions as a way of addressing the current environmental changes (Friend Zehle, 2004). On the other hand, emergent approach is an appropriate alternative to the prescriptive strategic planning.   Emergent approach strategies are developed as time elapses but usually without any objectives or reasons.   This approach is a bit flexible because it allows creation of more creative and responsive process in relation to the present economic conditions.   This approach is not only important but also appropriate mainly to address the volatility evidenced in the present creative and responsive process. This approach is important because it can be easily altered in the best way possible to suit the current economic conditions (Rao, Rao Sivaramakrishna, 2008). It is also be applicable in unpredictable environment in order to address some key issues of concern.   As evidenced the climate is changing rapidly, and therefore it is important to adapt good strategies to ensure and maintain firm’s survival. Effectiveness of both prescriptive and emergent approaches is based on the ability to establish clear business objectives and aims.   The level of flexibility between different companies matters a lot in relation to adaptation of these strategies.   Evidently, firms must develop tangible strategies to tackle the current changes in the environment in order to ensure their survival.   Effectiveness of the strategic planning is based on the fact how a firm is prepared enough to handle all maters presented by economic conditions (Jeffs, 2008).   The focus towards attaining business objectives is the key driver towards establishing effective strategic plan. The numerous changes happening in both developing and emerging countries have led to establishment and diffusion of efficient strategic planning.   The effectives of both prescriptive and emergent approaches are determined by how an organization is able to polish its operations and implementation of viable strategies. In other works it can be stated as the degree at which firms are able to successfully achieve its desired objectives in the most appropriate procedural.   The effectiveness of strategic planning is closely linked with its achievements as a result of established objectives.   Basically, strategic planning is more concerned with objectives and results despite presence of economic conditions (Rao, Rao   Sivaramakrishna, 2008). Strategic planning is relevant to address all issues emerging as a result of economic trading conditions.   According to Friend and Zehle (2004), both prescriptive strategies and emergent strategies are so relevant to address the current situation as witnessed in the in the current economic climate of instability. There is need for companies and organizations to effectively implement and adapt these strategies mainly to ensure their survival.   The aim of these strategies is to ensure that an organization has proper mechanism put in place to handle changes which might be as a result of environmental changes (Jeffs, 2008). Strategic planning has gained more popularity with many companies adapting strategies with more efforts focused towards achieving the aims and objectives goals.   Evidently, strategic planning helps organizations to grow progress and successfully adapt effective strategies to address the constantly changing environment. Conclusion From the above paper it is evident that, over the past few years, UK economy has witnessed a recession period characterized by decline in positive business conditions. This period indicated unfavorable business environment due to aspects of high taxation, reduced demand and high cost of imports. The implication is widespread low imports hence attracting all trading businesses. The economic recovery in UK also indicates enhanced future for high streets brands since it is improving its attractiveness and survival. According to many indicators, UK economy appears to be emerging from the turbulence of the past five years; with its devastating impact on many businesses including well known high street brands. Strategic planning is vital to address long term issues which might which might be as a result of prescriptive and emergent approaches. Reference Aldridge, I. (2013). High-frequency trading: A practical guide to algorithmic strategies and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   trading systems. Cofnas, A. (2012). Trading binary options: Strategies and tactics. Hoboken, NJ: Bloomberg   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Press/Wiley. Friend, G., Zehle, S. (2004). Guide to business planning. London: Economist in association    with Profile Books. Great Britain. (2007). Success and failure in the UK car maunfacturing industry. London: The    Stationery Office. Great Britain., Great Britain. (2013). The future of the European Union: UK Government   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   policy : first report of session 2013-14. London: Stationery Office. Holley, D. (2012). UK economic recovery: The long road : a political thesis. Guildford: Grosvenor House. Irvin, G. W. (2006). Regaining Europe: An economic agenda for the 21st century. London:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Federal Trust for Education and Research. Jeffs, C. (2008). Strategic management. Los Angeles: SAGE. Middleton, K., Rodger, B. J., MacCulloch, A. (2008). Cases and materials on UK and EC   Ã‚   competition law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Rao, C. A., Rao, B. P., Sivaramakrishna, K. (2008). Strategic management and business   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   policy: Texts and cases. New Delhi, India: Excel. Trade and investment for growth. (2011). London: Stationery Office.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Causes and Effects of Smoking Essay -- Health Smoking Nicotine Tob

The Causes and Effects of Smoking Scientists and health officials have been arguing the detrimental effects smoking has on our health for many years. Smoking can lead to serious complications including asthma, pancreas, lung and stomach cancer due to the large number of carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals) and other various substances added to it. It is a health hazard for both smokers and non-smokers and it is especially harmful to unborn babies. Although smokers claim that it helps them to relax and release stress, the negative aspects of the habit take over the positive. As it has been stressed by the scientists and experts, there are some very severe reasons of smoking but its crucial consequences should also be taken into consideration. There are many causes which make people smoke, however it can be divided into two main causes: physical and psychological. First cause which is physical concerns the human body’s needs. Nicotine contained in cigarette is an addictive substance. It is the chemical which causes addiction. Nicotine reduces tension in the muscles and allows smokers to relax so they feel that they can relieve stress by smoking. Nicotine can also have a calming effect on people who are anxious and worried. This is why it can bring a feeling of tranquility and help smokers to cope with stress. Thus, people smoke when they are depressed, lonely or bored. Nicotine is absorbed by the smoker’s lung and intestines. Very quickly, nicotine can stimulate brain and certain types of nerves so heart rate and blood pressure go up; respiration increases. A little nicotine makes smokers feel more energy and improve concentration. As a consequence, these physical effects created by smoking play an important role in making people feel the need to smoke. Second main cause of smoking is psychological which seems to be a very important factor for people to get the habit. One of the psychological situations which drive people to smoke is low self esteem. Low self esteem is linked not only to smoking but also other behavioral problems such as drinking. It leads to feeling like a dependent individual who can not make decisions for himself or herself and just follow the crowd. So one conclusion to be drawn from this aspect is that people with low self esteem tend to smoke by imitating the people that they see around themselves especially in public place... ... blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels or excessive body weight. One last very severe effect of smoking is teeth decay. The reason for teeth decay is tobacco products which damage your gum tissue by affecting the attachment of bone and soft tissue to your teeth. An example of the effect is receding gums. A receding gum line exposes the tooth roots and increases your risk of developing a sensitivity to hot and cold, or tooth decay in these unprotected areas. Additionally, smoking can also contribute to bad breath, stains in the teeth and a build-up of tartar on the teeth. Consequently, tobacco which contains many harmful chemicals damages human beings’ health day by day. Although people are aware of the bad effects of smoking, they still smoke for one reason or another. When the current situation is considered, it is clear that smoking which has been spreading all over the world is not only the problem of a country or a territory but the problem of mankind because smoking brings many disadvantages for humans like diseases. I personally believe that it is important to help children remain lifelong non-smokers because they are our hope for a non-smoking future.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Communities Essay -- Group Communication Community Essays

Communitites When most people talk about community, they think of a location, an area in which people live. By definition â€Å"community† is a group of people living in the same location and under the same government. Community can also be defined as a group of people with the same common interests or segments in society. However, these definitions, which can be found in any dictionary, are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to explaining what community really is. Community is the memories and traditions of a certain area, as well as the interactions and responsibilities of its members. In order to truly belong to a community people must follow a set of values. These communal values are needed to provide stability among communities in this ever changing world. In the past ten years, with the advent of the internet and many other forms of communication, communities have become less interactive and isolated. In this paper I will be discussing the purpose of communal values and why t hey should be protected. Having a sense of belonging within a community is very important. Many people who have moved since childhood will always remember where they grew up. It is the memories and history they have there that will always make it home. In the play The Piano Lesson, the author shows the conflict between Boy Willie and his sister Berniece both of whom are African American. The conflict of the story centers on gaining a sense of belonging from one’s past. Boy Willie wishes to buy the land where his ancestors were slaves. In doing this Boy Willie must sell an antique piano which has been in his family for generations. Berniece wishes to hold on to the antique piano because it holds the history of their family in its unique carvings. In Boy Willie’s mind, gaining the piece of land would make his life meaningful and give him a sense of belonging. This story shows how the powerful bonds of memories and history are enough to create conflict between even the closest individuals. However , sense of belonging in a community does not require the history and memories of a place. People can gain a sense of belonging from simple but meaningful acts within the community. In Scott Russell Sanders’s essay on community, he explains how simple acts such as making bread with his daughter and children from the neighborhood gives him a sense of belonging and hope. Communal inte... ...o their communities as a whole. Throughout this paper we see the common problem of limiting the interactions between community members, and how this will hurt communities. Only when these issues become so evident that they begin to cause large problems will they be looked at, and by that time it could be too late. Schools now should be teaching children the importance of group thought and how it forms the basis of community structure around the world. The children of the future must not be sheltered from the outside world with new technology and packaged communities. Works Cited Collie, Tim. â€Å"In 21st Century, Americans are increasingly mobile creatures.† Sun-Sentinel [Fort Lauderdale, FL] 3 Jan. 2001: A4. Ehrenfeld, David. â€Å"Pseudocommunities.† Vitek and Jackson 20-24. Kline, David. â€Å"An Amish Perspective.† Vitek and Jackson 35-40. Paige, Harry W. â€Å"Leave If You Can.† Vitek and Jackson 11-14. Sanders, Scott Russell. â€Å"The Common Life.† Vitek and Jackson 40-49. Tall, Deborah. â€Å"Dwelling: Making Peace with Space and Place.† Vitek and Jackson 104-12. Vitek, William, and Wes Jackson, eds. Rooted In The Lan: Essays on Community and Place. New Haven: Yale UP, 1996.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Psy 535

Multicultural research methodologies are one of the newest research fields to be implemented in recent decades. Traditional research methodology has been established for centuries, and has a very orthodox view of things like norms, measurement instruments, sampling, and observation. Multicultural researchers quickly found out that applying these same factors to their own research was inappropriate; the field of multicultural research demanded a different perspective if any sort of useful and accurate findings were ever going to be issued. Two areas where there is great difference between multicultural research and traditional research are measurement instruments and norms. In these two areas it is easy to demonstrate how traditional research has a much easier time being performed with the standard and well established concepts involving measurement instruments and norms. However, when a multicultural researcher attempts to answer a question or reinforce a hypothesis he or she will quickly find out that they must perform their research in a way that is very different from those in the traditional field. Measurement instruments are an excellent place to begin looking at the way multicultural and traditional research methodologies contrast. As the world becomes increasingly globalized and corporations begin to operate in many different countries encompassing different and diverse cultures, there is a clear need for accurate multicultural research on a myriad of topics. Even simple surveys like product satisfaction are more difficult for a multicultural researcher. Various countries and populaces simply have different viewpoints and this can cause entire research designs to have to be suited to specific nations, or even specific populations within those nations. For example, traditional researchers have found that it can be extremely difficult to get individuals in Latin America to participate in one of traditional researchers move time honored measurement devices; the focus group. (Morrow, 231) In contrast, many American citizens are quite receptive to the idea of participating in a focus group, a well-established fact known to most multicultural as well as traditional researchers. Those who are educated in multicultural research methods understand that Latin Americans have a very different point of view when it comes to how they value their time. For the average Latin American the idea of participating in a focus group is a waste of time that could be better spent doing almost anything else. The list of research measurement instruments that must be altered depending on the culture being sampled is almost endless. Mail surveys, another common tactic employed by traditional researchers to gauge opinion on a host of different topics have been found to be very inefficient with Americans and many Westerners in general. (Morrow, 256) Multicultural researchers have found that, through careful studies, other cultures are much more receptive to mail surveys. The Japanese, for instance, are much more likely to complete and return a survey mailed to them in comparison to the average American household who would likely discard the survey as â€Å"junk mail†. Morrow, 257) This is not to suggest that either culture is wrong for their treatment of this particular research instrument; rather, it simply highlights that people thousands of miles apart have vastly different cultural experiences that will shape their views on the importance of everything, including whether or not a mail survey is worth their time. An informed multicultural researcher would be wise to employ the mail survey when he or she is doing their work in Japan, just like a researcher working in the United States would achieve much better results by utilizing focus groups. Traditional researchers might very well plod ahead and send out thousands of mail surveys to Americans, knowing that they will receive a small percentage back. However, if these researchers were to pay closer attention to the cultural aspect of the research, they would be able to conduct their inquiries in a more efficient way, both in terms of money spent and answers received. A second area that holds great potential as a way to compare and contrast multicultural and traditional research methodologies is norms. Traditional researchers usually work with a well-established set of norms that rarely fluctuates. Gottfried, 117) Multicultural researchers operate in a much different environment. For those looking to perform a study or experiment that focuses on the impact of culture, they must pay very close attention to the individuals who they are surveying and how the norms for those people can be very different from the norms of others sampled. An example of this would be a multicultur al researcher attempting to study the public’s view of single-payer healthcare, as many liberals have suggested is a good idea for implementation in the United States. A researcher could ask a series of targeted questions to a group of Americans, but without considering their cultural leanings, the research would be inherently flawed. A fourth generation American of European descent will have rather â€Å"mainstream† views of the topic, which will contrast greatly with a first generation Canadian immigrant. (Gottfried, 112) The cultural norms for each of these groups will be very different, which will end up in them answering the question differently or, even if they answer the same, for different reasons. A traditional researcher would not pay very much attention to this issue, and would likely state that an American is an American, and that with a large enough sample size they would arrive at the correct diagnosis of the public’s point of view regarding the topic. Those who are involved with multicultural research know that by passing over the deep cultural divides that exist between most American citizens, the research would be virtually worthless. In conclusion, multicultural research and traditional research have much in common, but differ on some very important points. Two of these points are the relevance of norms and measurement instruments. Multicultural researchers will work much harder to get a better understanding of their respondent’s culture before asking questions and conducting other research. This ensures that the reasons behind their answers are known, which equal a more comprehensive research design. Measurement tools and their impact differ between the two research methods as well. Multicultural researchers pay close attention to the culture they are sampling, and employ research instruments that are the most likely to garner results. Traditional researchers are much more likely to use a blunt research tool, and use it over and over again until they achieve the necessary amount of responses. Both research methodologies have their place, and both will continue to benefit from the others perspective. Works Cited Morrow, Susan L. (2001) â€Å"Qualitative research methods for multicultural counseling: Handbook of multicultural counseling† Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications Gottfried, Paul Edward. (2002) â€Å"Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt: Toward a Secular Theocracy,† University of Missouri

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

First Battle of El Alamein in World War II

First Battle of El Alamein in World War II The First Battle of El Alamein was fought July 1-27, 1942, during World War II (1939-1945). Having been badly defeated by Axis forces at Gazala in June 1942, the British Eighth Army retreated east into Egypt and assumed a defensive position near El Alamein. Pursued by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the British constructed an elaborate array of defenses. Commencing attacks on July 1, Axis forces proved unable to break through Eighth Army. Subsequent British counterattacks failed to dislodge the enemy and by late July a stalemate ensued. In the wake of the fighting, command of Eighth Army passed to Lieutenant General Bernard Montgomery who would lead it to victory at the Second Battle of El Alamein that fall. Fast Facts: First Battle of El Alamein Conflict: World War II (1939-1945)Dates: July 1-27, 1942Armies Commanders:AlliesGeneral Claude Auchinleckapprox. 150,000 menAxisField Marshal Erwin Rommelapprox. 96,000 menCasualties:Axis: approx. 10,000 killed and wounded, 7,000 capturedAllies: approx. 13,250 casualties Background Following its crushing defeat at the Battle of Gazala in June 1942, the British Eighth Army retreated east towards Egypt. Reaching the border, its commander, Lieutenant General Neil Ritchie, elected not to make a stand but to continue falling back to Mersa Matruh approximately 100 miles to the east. Establishing a defensive position based on fortified boxes that were linked by minefields, Ritchie prepared to receive Field Marshal Erwin Rommels approaching forces. On June 25, Ritchie was relieved as the Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Command, General Claude Auchinleck, elected to take personal control Eighth Army. Concerned that the Mersa Matruh line could be outflanked to the south, Auchinleck decided to retreat another 100 miles east to El Alamein. General Claude Auchinleck.   Public Domain Auchinleck Digs In Though it meant conceding additional territory, Auchinleck felt El Alamein presented a stronger position as his left flank could be anchored on the impassible Qattara Depression. The withdrawal to this new line was somewhat disorganized by rearguard actions at Mersa Matruh and Fuka between June 26-28. To hold the territory between the Mediterranean Sea and the depression, Eighth Army constructed three large boxes with the first and strongest centered on El Alamein on the coast. The next was situated 20 miles south at Bab el Qattara, just southwest of Ruweisat Ridge, while the third was located on the edge of the Qattara Depression at Naq Abu Dweis. The distance between the boxes was connected by minefields and barbed wire. Deploying to the new line, Auchinleck placed XXX Corps on the coast while the New Zealand 2nd and Indian 5th Divisions from XIII Corps were deployed inland. To the rear, he held the battered remnants of the 1st and 7th Armoured Divisions in reserve. It was Auchinlecks goal to funnel Axis attacks between the boxes where their flanks could be assaulted by the mobile reserve. Pushing east, Rommel increasingly began to suffer from severe supply shortages. Though the El Alamein position was strong, he hoped that the momentum of his advance would see him reach Alexandria. This view was shared by several in the British rear as many began preparing to defend Alexandria and Cairo as well as readied for a retreat further east. Rommel Strikes Approaching El Alamein, Rommel ordered the German 90th Light, 15th Panzer, and 21st Panzer Divisions to attack between the coast and Deir el Abyad. While the 90th Light was to drive forward before turning north to cut the coast road, the panzers were to swing south into the rear of XIII Corps. In the north, an Italian division was to support the 90th Light by attacking El Alamein, while in the south the Italian XX Corps was to move behind the panzers and eliminate the Qattara box. Rolling forward at 3:00 AM on July 1, the 90th Light advanced too far north and became in entangled in the 1st South African Divisions (XXX Corps) defenses. Their compatriots in the 15th and 21st Panzer Divisions were delayed getting started by a sandstorm and soon came under heavy air attack. Finally advancing, the panzers soon encountered heavy resistance from the 18th Indian Infantry Brigade near Deir el Shein. Mounting a tenacious defense, the Indians held through the day allowing Auchinleck to shift forces to the western end of Ruweisat Ridge. Along the coast, the 90th Light was able to resume their advance but was stopped by South African artillery and forced to halt. On July 2, the 90th Light attempted to renew their advance but to no avail. In an effort to cut the coast road, Rommel directed the panzers to attack east towards Ruweisat Ridge before turning north. Supported by the Desert Air Force, ad hoc British formations succeeded in holding the ridge despite strong German efforts. The next two days saw German and Italian troops unsuccessfully continue their offensive while also turning back a counterattack by the New Zealanders. July 12, 1942 - 25-pounder guns of the 2/8th Field Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery, in action on the coastal sector near El Alamein, Egypt.   Public Domain Auchinleck Hits Back With his men exhausted and his panzer strength badly depleted, Rommel elected to end his offensive. Pausing, he hoped to reinforce and resupply before attacking again. Across the lines, Auchinlecks command was bolstered by the arrival of the 9th Australian Division and two Indian Infantry Brigades. Seeking to take the initiative, Auchinleck directed XXX Corps commander Lieutenant General William Ramsden to strike west against Tel el Eisa and Tel el Makh Khad using the 9th Australian and 1st South African Divisions respectively. Supported by British armor, both divisions made their attacks on July 10. In two days of fighting, they succeeded in capturing their objectives and turned back numerous German counterattacks through July 16. With Germans forces pulled north, Auchinleck commenced Operation Bacon on July 14. This saw the New Zealanders and Indian 5th Infantry Brigade strike the Italian Pavia and Brescia Divisions at Ruweisat Ridge. Attacking, they made gains on the ridge in three days of fighting and turned back substantial counterattacks from elements of the 15th and 21st Panzer Divisions. As fighting began to quiet, Auchinleck directed the Australians and the 44th Royal Tank Regiment to attack Miteirya Ridge in the north to relieve pressure on Ruweisat. Striking early on July 17, they inflicted heavy losses on the Italian Trento and Trieste Divisions before being forced back by German armor. Final Efforts Utilizing his short supply lines, Auchinleck was able to build a 2-to-1 advantage in armor. Seeking to utilize this advantage, he planned to renew the fighting at Ruweisat on July 21. While Indian forces were to attack west along the ridge, the New Zealanders were to strike towards the El Mreir depression. Their combined effort was to open a gap through which the 2nd and 23rd Armoured Brigades could strike. Advancing to El Mreir, the New Zealanders were left exposed when their tank support failed to arrive. Counterattacked by German armor, they were overrun. The Indians fared somewhat better in that they captured the western end of the ridge but were unable to take Deir el Shein. Elsewhere, the 23rd Armoured Brigade took heavy losses after becoming mired in a minefield. To the north, the Australians renewed their efforts around Tel el Eisa and Tel el Makh Khad on July 22. Both objectives fell in heavy fighting. Eager to destroy Rommel, Auchinleck conceived Operation Manhood which called for additional attacks in the north. Reinforcing XXX Corps, he intended for it to break through at Miteirya before proceeding to Deir el Dhib and El Wishka with the goal of cutting Rommels supply lines. Moving forward on the night of July 26/27, the complex plan, which called for opening several routes through minefields, quickly began to fall apart. Though some gains were made, they were quickly lost to German counterattacks. Aftermath Having failed to destroy Rommel, Auchinleck ended offensive operations on July 31 and began digging in and fortifying his position against an expected Axis assault. Though a stalemate, Auchinleck had won an important strategic victory in halting Rommels advance east. Despite his efforts, he was relieved in August and replaced as Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Command by General Sir Harold Alexander. General Sir Harold Alexander. Public Domain   Command of Eighth Army ultimately passed to Lieutenant General Bernard Montgomery. Attacking in late August, Rommel was repulsed at the Battle of Alam Halfa. With his forces spent, he switched to the defensive. After building Eighth Armys strength, Montgomery commenced the Second Battle of El Alamein in late October. Shattering Rommels lines, he sent Axis forced reeling west.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle What makes a childrens book so popular that by 2014, the 45th anniversary of its publication, more than 37 million copies had been sold and it had been translated into more than 50 languages? In the case of Eric Carles The Very Hungry Caterpillar, its the combination of wonderful illustrations, an entertaining story, and a unique book design. Carles illustrations are created with collage techniques. He uses hand-painted papers, which he cuts, layers, and shapes to create his colorful artwork. The pages of the book vary in size, which is part of the fun. The Story The story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a simple one that emphasizes numbers and days of the week. The caterpillar is not only very hungry, but he also has unusual tastes in food, ones that delight children. After popping out of an egg on Sunday, the very hungry caterpillar eats holes through the books pages as he eats his way through a variety of foods, beginning with one apple on Monday and two pears on Tuesday and ending with five oranges on Friday and 10 different foods on Saturday (chocolate cake, ice cream, a pickle, Swiss cheese, salami, a lollipop, cherry pie, sausage, a cupcake, and watermelon). Not surprisingly, the very hungry caterpillar ends up with a stomach ache. Fortunately, a serving of one green leaf helps. The now very fat caterpillar builds a cocoon. After staying in it for two weeks, he nibbles a hole in the cocoon and emerges a beautiful butterfly. For an entertaining explanation of why his caterpillar comes out of a cocoon rather than a chrysalis, see Eric Carles website. The Artwork and Design Eric Carles colorful collage illustrations and the books design add immensely to the books appeal. Every page has a hole in it where the caterpillar eats through the food. The pages for the first five days are different sizes, corresponding to the number of pieces of food the caterpillar eats. The page for the day the caterpillar eats one apple is very small, a little bigger for the day it eats two pears, and full size for the day it eats five oranges. Why Eric Carle Writes About Small Creatures As for the reason so many of his books are about small creatures, Eric Carle gives the following explanation: When I was a small boy, my father would take me on walks across meadows and through woods... Hed tell me about the life cycles of this or that small creature... I think in my books I honor my father by writing about small living things. And in a way, I recapture those happy times. Recommendation The Very Hungry Caterpillar was originally published in 1969 and has become a classic. It is a good picture book to own or to take out of the library frequently. Children 2-5-years-old enjoy hearing the story again and again. Babies and toddlers particularly enjoy the board book edition. Happily, you will enjoy reading it to them again and again also. Add to the fun by making a story sack to go along with the book. See directions for a variety of story sacks, including a story sack for on our  Family Crafts site. (Philomel Books, 1983, 1969. ISBN: 9780399208539)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Similarities of Spanish Ni to English Nor

Similarities of Spanish Ni to English Nor The Spanish conjunction ni is the equivalent of the English nor, and sometimes it is used in different ways than nor would be used. Different Uses of Ni In addition to being used as a  direct translation of nor, ni  can be used two or more times in succession to mean neither...nor and it can mean not even. In many cases in the English translations nor is used for clarity, even though the translation is correct if it is translated as or. Do not be surprised by double negatives  in Spanish. Although shunned in English, Spanish commonly uses double negatives to deliver emphasis. Ni As the Equivalent of Nor Ni is the equivalent of nor when it follows a verb that is preceded by no or another negation word such as nunca or jams. Spanish Sentence English Translation No quiere or ni hablar de su hijo. She doesnt want to hear or [nor] speak about her son. No puedo encontrarlo ni descargarlo. I cant see it or [nor] download it. Nunca estudia ni hace nada. He never studies or [nor] does anything. No compr palomitas ni refrescos. I didnt buy popcorn or [nor] soft drinks. Ni Used as Neither ... Nor Ni used twice or several times in succession can be used as the equivalent of neither ... nor. In Spanish, ni  precedes each item in the series. Spanish Sentence English Translation Ni sus creadores ni administradores son responsables. Neither its creators nor its administrators are responsible. Ser ni ms ni menos verdadero. It will be neither more nor less true. Ni nosotros ni el club hemos recibido nada. Neither we nor the club have received anything. Es como si mi blog hubiera desaparecido, porque no puedo verlo, ni yo ni nadie. It is as if my blog had disappeared, because I cant see it, not I, nor anybody. No me dabas amor, ni dinero, ni joyas ni nada. You give me neither love, money, jewels nor anything. Ya no habr muerte, ni luto, ni llanto, ni dolor. There will be neither death, mourning, tears nor pain. When Ni Means Not Even Ni can be used to mean not even, in the form of  ni​ siquiera. The word  siquiera is usually optional. Ni siquiera is the more emphatic form. Spanish Sentence English Translation Ni (siquiera) lo imaginbamos. We didnt even imagine it. Ni (siquiera) la supermodelo es inmune a los estragos del tiempo. Not even the supermodel is immune to the ravages of time. Ni (siquiera) Einstein era capaz de entenderlo. Not even Einstein was capabale of understanding. No tengo ni (siquiera) una moneda. I dont even have one coin.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Student's Post Week 3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Student's Post Week 3 - Research Paper Example Principle of integrity also tested your ability to be honest and truthful to your organization regardless of your contrary opinion to its policy (Birdsall, 2005). While being ethical, with respect to the two principles, would protect your organization’s interest and foster its corporate image for respecting intellectual property rights, it would hurt the Indian buyers who already felt that they were victims of discrimination. I also believe that your post did not respond to the question accurately because the question required identification of three ethical principles and exploration of consequences of either implementing or violating them. I like your post that develops a realistic scenario for ethical evaluation and your ethical analysis over the situation. I however believe that reviewing ethical principles instead of ethical theories would have been a more accurate response to the discussion question. You could have discussed principles such as honesty and respect of other stakeholders to the simulated organization. Being honest to the organization’s ethical guidelines and respecting minors’ personality by refusing to recruit and overexploit them would establish the organization’s corporate image and save it from legal liabilities (Piper, 2002). Birdsall, N. (2005). Asymmetric globalization: Global markets require good global politics. In F. H. Maidment (Ed.), International business (14th ed., pp. 92-96). Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning

Friday, October 18, 2019

Registered Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Registered Nursing - Essay Example Since ill patients depend on nurses, I am interested to venture in this since it is my dream to touch and provide comfort to people who are not well. To be qualified though, I have to be registered to make sure I deliver quality health care. This is for me to meet the educational requirement. Although, educational requirement depends on the country you are to be registered, nevertheless, in most part of the globe, the completion of a bachelor’s degree or associate’s degree is the foremost requirement. A student may graduate with an earned diploma. The bachelor’s degree last for four years and is more comprehensive because it includes both theory and practicum to sharpen nursing skills learned in the four walls of the classroom. Practicum is done in the hospital and in the community settings. Associate program on the other hand, is taken for only two years with both theory and clinical exposure just the same but not as comprehensive as the bachelor’s degree . This makes most registered nurses to go back to pursue bachelor’s degree to meet the prerequisites and be selected for nurse’s NCLEX examination (Baker, 2008). Attached to the white uniform of nurses, I do understand that they have varied tasks since they comprise the biggest group within the health care system.

Nursing-Prevention of Pressure Ulcer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Nursing-Prevention of Pressure Ulcer - Essay Example Prevention of pressure ulcer can be considered as such a topic which is concerned with multiple specialties. Reason behind the choice of topic: A pressure ulcer is a skin area that that would break down as the patient stays in a constant position for too long. Since there is no shift of body weight in certain cases of maladies, irregularity in blood supply may take place in the area of the body under pressure leading to pressure ulcer (Bluestein & Javaheri, 2008). Pressure ulcer (also called bedsore or decubitus ulcer) can be seen in a variety of patients. From patients who have diabetes to those who have Alzheimer’s disease, pressure ulcers may be diagnosed. Therefore, while discussing pressure ulcers, there is a scope to discuss its occurrence in relation with a variety of diseases. Moreover, today in the urban society, hospitals are coming across increased number of accident cases (particularly, the road accidents). Pressure ulcers are often found in patients who have serious problems in mobility, especially due to various accidents. The problem is thus becoming comparatively com mon and deserves attention in the field of nursing. How the topic relates to the workplace: As a nurse in a nursing home or hospital, adequate knowledge of pressure ulcers may prove to be a basic requirement in the case of caring older adults and accident victims in particular. â€Å"Part of a nurse’s work is to assist patients with their physical, spiritual, and social needs if patients are unable to satisfy these needs on their own. Hygiene and skin condition, including nutritional balance, are significant factors in preventing pressure ulcers† (Romanelli et al, 2006). In today’s urban society, increased number of older adults with impaired mobility is leading to larger number of patients with pressure ulcers. Moreover, accident victims too may face the problem of these ulcers in the course of long treatment. Preventing pressure ulcers thus becomes one of the most

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fit And Filling Facility For The Elderly Assignment

Fit And Filling Facility For The Elderly - Assignment Example The most notable features of the space around and within the park are that the pathways are paved using colored concrete blocks. The paving of the pathways and the common areas are done using different colors, and that choice was made for different reasons. First, the choice of white materials for the pathways was made to guarantee that hygiene levels would remain as high as possible. Secondly, the different colors for the pavements will help the aged suffering from dementia to recall their respective rooms, and their way to facilities like the health center, the shopping center, and common facility amenities. From the outside, towards the front side of the facility, there is a pathway heading to the suburban shopping mall which is located about 50 meters from the facility. At the shopping mall, there are many of the stores that an aged person would need to visit, including a bread shop, a Starbucks outlet, and a wellness center, which provides aerobics, physical fitness, and physiotherapy services. From the outside, a visitor can see the two-bedroom apartments of different sizes, ranging from 825 to 2000 square feet. At one extreme side of the facility, close to the fence, there is the health center, where the elderly living at the facility are rushed for urgent medical care (Secker et al., 2003). At different sections of the facility, the common open parks will have different plant species, in order to help the aged to remember their respective house and the entrance to their main hall.

Nothing in Much Ado About Nothing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nothing in Much Ado About Nothing - Essay Example This is why his plays have made it into college classrooms and their popularity has endured through the centuries. He was a master at making almost universal commentaries about human organization and behavior in a way that also served to entertain. It's important to remember, though, that the original context for Shakespeare’s plays was the same context in which plays are performed today. They were originally intended to provide a simple evening's worth of entertainment for the price of a ticket with the hope that the audience would continue to come back for more. â€Å"Shakespeare’s plays were written to be performed to an audience from different social classes and of varying levels of intellect. Thus they contain down-to-earth characters who appeal to the working classes, side-by-side with complexities of plot which would satisfy the appetites of the aristocrats among the audience† (Geraghty). One of his more popular romantic comedies is the play Much Ado About Nothing in which the word 'nothing' takes on numerous meanings and has an effect on characters actions throughout the play. The play takes place at the home of Leonato, a nobleman of Messina and centers around the stories of two young couples. The female half of these couples are residents of Leonato's house, his daughter Hero and his niece Beatrice. The action begins with the expected arrival of the prince Don Pedro and his party including the male halves of these romantic couples. Claudio is a young nobleman and Benedick is a clever man who has proven himself valuable. An unwelcome part of the crowd is Don John, Don Pedro's illegitimate brother who expresses all the typical bitterness and resentment expressed in characters placed in this life role. Benedick and Beatrice are already acquainted with each other and quickly resume their years long banter back and forth. As they compete with each other over which one can get the most words in, Claudio and Hero are quietly falling in l ove with each other. They decide to marry with the wedding planned in a week. To help pass the time until the wedding day, Hero and Claudio agree with the others to play a game on Beatrice and Benedick designed to force them to finally admit their love for each other. The trick works, but it isn't the only one in the works. Don John, jealous and anxious to cause trouble, convinces one of his men to make love to Hero's maid Margaret at Hero's window one night. As Borachio is busy doing this, Don John brings Don Pedro and Claudio to the garden outside Hero's window where they believe they are seeing Hero being unfaithful to her betrothed. Naturally filled with rage, Claudio calls off the wedding, but does so in a very humiliating way at the ceremony in front of the gathering. The family, finally convinced she might be telling the truth that it wasn't her, decide to pretend she died of her shock and grief in the hope that the truth would come out. It nearly comes to a fight between Cla udio and almost everyone else until the night watchman hears Borachio talking about what he'd done. Claudio, in his grief and to amend for his error, agrees to marry another one of Hero's cousins. It isn't until they are before the altar that Claudio finally realizes the veiled woman standing with him is really Hero. The play ends with Beatrice and Benedick getting married and everyone joining in a celebratory dance. One of the major motifs that runs through this play, giving it

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fit And Filling Facility For The Elderly Assignment

Fit And Filling Facility For The Elderly - Assignment Example The most notable features of the space around and within the park are that the pathways are paved using colored concrete blocks. The paving of the pathways and the common areas are done using different colors, and that choice was made for different reasons. First, the choice of white materials for the pathways was made to guarantee that hygiene levels would remain as high as possible. Secondly, the different colors for the pavements will help the aged suffering from dementia to recall their respective rooms, and their way to facilities like the health center, the shopping center, and common facility amenities. From the outside, towards the front side of the facility, there is a pathway heading to the suburban shopping mall which is located about 50 meters from the facility. At the shopping mall, there are many of the stores that an aged person would need to visit, including a bread shop, a Starbucks outlet, and a wellness center, which provides aerobics, physical fitness, and physiotherapy services. From the outside, a visitor can see the two-bedroom apartments of different sizes, ranging from 825 to 2000 square feet. At one extreme side of the facility, close to the fence, there is the health center, where the elderly living at the facility are rushed for urgent medical care (Secker et al., 2003). At different sections of the facility, the common open parks will have different plant species, in order to help the aged to remember their respective house and the entrance to their main hall.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Politics - Essay Example Aristotle contributed much in the development of history and political science through his written articles. In his writing, Aristotle (1996) describes the leadership of some of the political regimes in a few of early cities in Greece and Carthage. To consider the strengths and the weaknesses of the legislatures in these cities, Aristotle (1996) compared them with the best-organized political arrangements. He highlights the good laws that enabled the cities to have efficient legislature and the bad laws that hindered good leadership and unity among the citizens. The political scientists should analyze the good laws that the authorities in those cities used to exercise democracy in politics to replicate them in their states. On the other hand, they should look at the poor laws exercised in some cities that made them fail in politics to avoid recurrence of such events in the current states. Moreover, Aristotle (2008) developed ideas in his writing that are very important in political science as he proposes that for to be a good leader, one should have knowledge in theoretical and practical politics. If the political scientists can embrace the idea of Aristotle, they can be successful in ensuring that politics in their states follow the right direction. Additionally, for politics to have a perfect way towards a stable state the authorities should have good constitution that protects the rights of all citizens. Several states fail to attain politics because of lack of good constitutional laws that govern the well-being of politics and participation of all interested citizens in politics. Aristotle (1996) highlighted that some cities failed politically because of favors extended to some members of the society to engage in politics while the rest were cut off in sharing that privilege. Poor politics led to civil wars something that could be avoided by the cities’ authorities if they had good constitution. This was attributed to the poor laws that

Beauty Is a Combination of Qualities Essay Example for Free

Beauty Is a Combination of Qualities Essay Beauty is a combination of qualities that give pleasure to the senses. It is an inborn instinct in human to appreciate beauty. Beauty both of nature and of human form have been a powerful attraction for men and women of all times and climes. A beautiful object fills the heart with joy and delight. The soul gets stirred by the external view of beauty. Man has developed an eye for beauty right from the Stone Age. The earliest cave-paintings depicting animals and trees prove the cavemans love for beauty. Artistic creations are mans attempts to depict the joy created by beauty. A person may see a beautiful thing for a short duration but its memory lasts for a long time. Man cherishes the beautiful moments in life. The imagination helps to revive and relive the happy moments spent in the company of beautiful things. A colorful butterfly seen for five minutes gives instant delight for the same time, but if that scene is recaptured twenty, the joy becomes twenty fold. Beauty abounds in nature. The sunrise, the sunset, the moon, the starts, the rainbow and the seasons delight the senses. Beautiful sight and sounds of nature provide pleasure to man. The rivers, the forests, the green mountains, the snow-capped peaks and the flowers are beautiful objects of nature. They leave an impression on the mind of man. Recollection of this impression becomes a constant source of joy. Beautiful objects are a source of inspiration for poets to compose poetry. Poets are more moved by beautiful sights than people of ordinary imagination. Keats was a great lover of beauty in all its varied forms. In most of his poems, Keats appreciate different forms of beauty. The dancing daffodils seen by Wordsworth during his travel left a mark in his memory. He composed a poem on daffodils after four years of that visit but he felt the same delight, which reflected in the poem. This proves that any aspect of beauty leaves and ever-lasting impact on human heart and soul. The great Sanskrit poet Kalidas has also graphically described in his poem Kumar Sambhav, the beauty of the forest blooming all round with the touch of spring. Beautiful sights influence the painter to draw the same. His paintings are a poetry of colors which depicts nature as it is on the canvas. A painter always remains in search of a place where he could find ay form of beauty whether of nature or human to adorn his canvas with everlasting charm of beauty. A human face painted by a master painter will not only show the physical structure in its exact form but also reveal the emotion of the subject. The paintings of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Hogarth, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Nand Lal Bose, M.F Hussain an others are a feast for the eyes and the mind. What is true of poets and painters is equally true of sculptors, architects and musicians. They derive pleasure by creation of beauty. Their beautiful works are appreciated by all. A musician creates beauty by the harmonious blending of various notes and tunes. This harmony is a source of pleasure for the listeners. The music of Tansen, Baiju Dawra, Ustad Faiz Khan, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, R.D Drman and others have been widely appreciated and applauded. Beauty is present every where like nature, literature, sculpture, architecture etc. Cement, stone, wood, brick all these things have no shape and beauty but when they are used artistically by the architect, they take the form a beautiful building. A number of historical building all over the world is a great world. Taj Mahal in India, Eiffel Tower in Paris, Opera House in Australia, The Great wall of China, are some of the buildings which are famous for their beauty. Spiritual beauty is something nobler and higher than physical beauty. It is related to the beauty of the spirit and the soul. Spiritual beauty touches or soul. The pleasure and joy, we derive from it is sublime. Spiritual beauty is accompanied by truth and goodness- Satyam Shivam Sundaram as expressed by sage. We find a similar view in Keats poem, when he says, Beauty is truth, truth beauty. Keats regards spiritual beauty as the source of true joy. Beauty according to Shelly is eternal. An object of nature may decay and man may die, yet both survive in thought, for beauty never dies. Beautiful objects of nature also uplift the sprit if a pessimist. One takes a break from the environment of big cities and flocks to hill stations. The beautiful sights of nature in the hill stations refresher the mind. They influence a person to perform his task more efficiently then before. Beauty of nature has a soothing effect in it. In one of his poems, Shelly said that even death will be peaceful for him while watching the beautiful aspects of nature. Beauty, whether physical or spiritual always gives us joy. There is harmony in the beautiful objects. This harmony is the attribute of the soul. Beauty links man with eternity. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How Education Can Contribute To Peace

How Education Can Contribute To Peace First and Foremost, What is world peace? World Peace is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and/or people. World peace is an idea of planetary non-violence by which nations willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare. The term is sometimes used to refer to a cessation of all hostility among all individuals. (Wikipedia, World peace) We celebrate world peace on International Peace Day on September 21st. I think, without education, most of us wouldnt even know the meaning of peace. So as long as we learn and devote ourselves and our time, we will be peaceful. Peace has taught us a lot about Education and the same applies to Education. Education has made a big impression on world peace. Has it made a made a big impression on you? What is Education? Nelson Mandela once said Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. (Good reads, Quotes) I agree with him because education is in fact an important requirement of life. But this is just my opinion. Lots of people have different opinions about Education. Barack Obama said Im going to insist that weve got decent funding, enough teachers, and computers in the classroom, but unless you turn off the television set and get over a certain anti-intellectualism that I think pervades some low-income communities, our children are not going to achieve (Light a Fire, Educational Quotes) Aristotle said The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet (Heart quotes, Education) Galileo said I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldnt learn something from him (Heart quotes, Education) But I think, if youre able to read this and understand it, youre educated! Something important struck me as I was going through this website, it said I f you study to remember, you will forget, but, if you study to understand, you will remember. (Heart quotes, Education) Have you ever thought how something like Education has made an impact of peoples lives? But first we must ask ourselves, what is impact? Impact is the effect or impression of one thing on another. Children receive education at some point in their lives to enhance their social and intellectual abilities (Lynda Barrys the Sanctuary of School) Education can be given at any place at any time. But some people dont go to school. Why? When it comes to poor people, we can assume they cant afford it. But when it comes to rich people who can, what is the reason? Well, some rich children feel its ok to not attend school. I call this Lack of Courage. And some are simply influenced by their parents who are somewhat lazy and dont care about the educational rights of the child. When children choose education over drugs, thats a miracle (Bruce Almighty, Movie) Dont you ever wonder what education is like throughout Ethiopia? Education in Ethiopia has been dominated by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church for many centuries until so called official education was adopted in the early 1900s. Previous to 1974, Ethiopia had an estimated illiteracy rate well above 90% and compared poorly with the rest of Africa in the condition of schools and universities. Education received roughly 13% of the national budget in 1992. By 1995 the rate of illiteracy had dropped substantially to 64.5%. Projected adult illiteracy rates for the year 2003 even lower at 61.3% (males, 56.1%; females, 66.6%). (Education in Ethiopia, ONSOI) As of 1999, public expenditure on education was estimated at 4.3% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product).The current system follows very similar school expansion schemes to the rural areas as the previous 1980s system with an addition of deeper renationalization giving rural education in their own languages starting from the primary level (Wikipedia , Education in Ethiopia) Education can be provided into two types of school. Private (Like Sandford) and Government (run by the government where everything or almost everything is free). Ive learnt in both. From knowledge, I can say that students from government school take education more seriously than students from private schools. The reason for this is because that education is the only way to a better life, better job and better health for them. Like for example we, private school students can fail grade 10 and still have a chance in grade 11 (IGCSE) But government school students have only 1 chance in secondary school. If they fail grade 10, there is no IGCSE for them. Learning in a government school wasnt easy for me. I was used to private schools where if you forgot to hand in an essay or assignment, you get another chance. If you didnt hand in your assignment in government schools, youll get a slap in the face or a kick in the leg, which was very excruciating. But it was an amazing experience, getti ng perspectives from both schools and taking it with me to my journey as a student, a student whose obligation is to accomplish hers and hers familys potential. Also, we should consider the values which are essential, education will make you qualified for certain jobs and positions. Without it everybody in the world wouldnt know a thing. I will now demonstrate 11 interesting facts on education that you probably didnt know. 1. One in five adults in the developing world almost 862 million people cannot read or write. 2. Most illiterate persons are female. In more than 20 developing nations, illiteracy rates amongst women exceed 70%. 3. As much as 115 million children of primary school age are not enrolled in school. 4. More than 226 million children do not attend secondary school. 5. Many children who do enroll in school do not graduate with even the most basic reading and math skills because their schools do not have enough teachers, books or facilities to provide a quality education. 6. Across the world many children miss out on their education because: They are made to work to help support their families and many other reasons. 7. in most developing countries, public school is not free. The costs of books, uniforms, and teachers salaries are borne by the students families. 8. School fees and related costs are a co mmon barrier to education. These charges are a greater burden for children from poor families, and disproportionately affect those who are racial and ethnic minorities, members of Indigenous communities and migrants. 9. Girls are more likely to be excluded from school than boys when there isnt enough money to go round. As many as two out of three out-of-school children are girls. 10. Social traditions and deep-rooted religious and cultural beliefs are most often the barriers to expanding girls educational opportunities in undeveloped countries around the world. And last but not least, 11. Educated girls and women are less vulnerable to HIV infection, human trafficking and other forms of exploitation, are more likely to marry later, raise fewer children who are more likely to go to school, and make important contributions to family income. (Facts on Education, Have you ever tried and compared education in LEDCs and MEDCs? Why dont we take Afghanistan and Italy for example? Afghanistan had an early childhood development program which provides environmental influences, which gradually interact with the developing abilities and disposition of young children to help develop social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative aspects of their personality. However, for the underprivileged children with social, economic, educational or emotional deficiencies, these programs provide stimulations designed to remove obstacles to learning (The EFA 2000 Assessment: Country Reports). The following table is extracted from UNESCO-IBE (2011), (World Data on Education VII ed. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan). It clearly shows the education/schooling system in Afghanistan. In Italy, Education for all means, in the perspective of UNESCO, the commitment of the 187 member countries to provide every human being with the real possibility of achieving at least that minimum educational attainment which allows a person to participate fully in the cultural, social, political and economical life of his/her country. The year 2000 assessment is then for UNESCO a very important step in the way towards that fundamental objective. It gives every country the opportunity of reviewing its recent past in the light of the effort made so that basic education becomes a reality for all (The EFA 2000 Assessment: Country Reports) Since 2008, the Pearson Foundation (Independent non-profit organization that aims to make a difference by promoting literacy, learning, and great teaching), the nonprofit arm of one of the nations largest educational publishers, has financed free international trips some have called them junkets for education commissioners whose states do business with the company (New York Times, Free Trips Raise Issues for Officials in Education) Many people in the world are trying to promote education for all. One of those people is Barack Obama. Barack Obama is encouraging people to follow the Education law, Similar to the Chinese government trying to encouraging the Chinese population to follow the One child policy. If you dont know, Education law is the area of law relating to schools and that deals mainly with schools, school systems and school boards charged with educating our children. President Barack Obama said No Child Left Behind. Obama said a few years ago that he was frustrated that Congress didnt act to change the law that he has said is flawed, so he was moving forward with an effort to let qualifying states circumvent it. His plan allows states to scrap a key requirement that all children show they are proficient in reading and math by 2014. To qualify, the states must submit a plan showing how they will meet certain requirements such as enacting standards to prepare students for college and testing for those standards, and by making teachers and principals more accountable by setting guidelines on evaluations (Fresno bee, Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011) Shiza Anam, a six year old girl, is living with her mother, two brothers and two sisters in red light area, Lahore. Her mother is a worker who hardly earns an amount of Rs. 7000/ month (US $ 83 / month) from prostitution. With this limited income she is hardly able to meet the daily expenses of food and other requirements of the family. Her mother is not able to bear the expenses of her education and health care. Her two sisters and two brothers are also not going to school as her mother is not in a position to bear the expense of their educations. Her mother wants her to be a prostitute in future but she does not want to be a prostitute. She wants to get an education and to become a teacher in her life. She thinks that education is the best way to fight against deprivations, poverty and to get rid of the prostitution. But her mother does not have enough resources for her education. She does not know about her father as her mother is a sex worker. Her mother also does not know about her husband and the father of Shazia Anam. Currently Shaiza is going to Sheed School but she is looking towards the donors to help her to meet the expenses of her education. (Givology, learn to give, give to learn) Millions of people around the world can relate to Shizas story. To conclude, Education is an essential necessity of life and we all have the right to learn and respect anothers freedom of learning. I think positive change is possible. Youths are fighting for jobs and education is a campaigning organization fighting against mass unemployment. The Scottish say fight their system demand our future. Wisconsin families support a strong public school system because education is the key to creating a better future for our children by attracting companies and jobs to our community. In Addis Ababa, education is a key weapon in preventing girls from falling victim to child trafficking (Education in Ethiopia, UNICEF) If you want to be in education, said Canada, you cant be prepared to accept failure. (Fighting for education, and nations future, Harvard University) Word Count: (Excluding citations): 1993 Work-Cited List World Peace Wikipedia, 24 November, 2008, Web. October 31, 2012, Good Reads Famous Quotes, 22 November 2010, Web. October 31, 2012, Education Heart Quotes, June 27, 2008, Web. October 31, 2012, <> The Sanctuary Of School Lynda Barry Essays and Term Papers, 14 April, 2011, Web. October 31, 2012, <> Education in Ethiopia Onsoi Blog, 25 July, 2012 ,Web. October 31, 2012, What are county EFA reports? Country Reports, 2000, Web. October 31, 2012, <> Free Trips Raise Issues for Officials in Education Education, The New York Times, October 9, 2011, Web. October 31, 2012, Most states to seek exception to education law Publication, Daily Sparks Tribune, 30 October 2011, Web. October 31, 2012, <> TVET formal, non-formal and informal systems World TVET Database, 2011, Web. October 31, 2012, <>

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Toni Morrison and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese :: Biography Biographies Essays

Toni Morrison and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese In this I essay will be discussing two unique authors, Toni Morrison and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese. Morrison is a Nobel Prize winning author, and Fox-Genovese, is a history professor at Harvard. Both of these women have interesting perspectives on race and gender. According to the articles I have read, Toni and Fox-Genovese claim the way people view women and minorities is wrong. In a Vibe Magazine interview, Toni claims that In a recent British nanny case, there was "complaint about the mother not being home with child...she she should have been home with her children, said some people" (Vibe 1998 p.2). Morrison states that it would be an entirely different situation, had the mother been a poor black women. A black women "should work, even if that work is taking care of somebady else's children" (Vibe 1998). This is a wrong way to look at things; "we fought a long time to have 'Women taking care of children' understood to be work. Now its understood to be something else" (Vibe 1998 p.3). According to Toni, people size up who you are by what you look like, what your name is, and by what you do. However this is only "part of who you are. When I was a little girl, a man came up to me and said, 'are you a Willis?' - referring to my mother's maiden name-'I thought so, by the way you walk.' I moved to New York and people said, 'What do you do' So you say' I'm a writer..but you that's only part of who you are" (Vibe 1998 p.3). Often people wrap their identity in what they do. This can be troublesome when your not performing to someones expectations, one might think there is some thing wrong with who they are, which is not true. The same thing applies to gender and race. It is unfair to already have a preconcieved notion about someone without checking him or her out first. Fox-Genovese claims that many articles of literature exclude certain people. Like Morrison, Fox-Genovese agrees that elite culture "denied the values and perceptions of all others and imposed itself as an absolute standard" (Fox-Genovese 1998).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Human Consciousness Essay -- Technology, ICT

Technological developments assume an integral part of human history. In the recent years, studies indicate that the advances in technology have penetrated into the human way of life thus changing the daily life of people. One area of human life that has been affected by technology is the human consciousness (Halal, 2008). The emergence of new technologies has led to greater impact on the human form of consciousness. It is noted that information, communication and technologies have affected the human consciousness in more profound ways. Studies also indicate that the predominant application and use of technology has led to a change in the human consciousness especially concerning the cognition, sense of self, perception and memory of individuals. This paper seeks to critically analyze the impact of communication, information and technology on these elements of the human consciousness. Studies indicate that consciousness and the mind have been dominated by the modern technology. However, it appears more problematic to understand consciousness and the outstanding issues that surround the effects of technology on the mind. There are numerous theorist and authors who have tired to define the word consciousness based on their disciplines. This paper adopts ray kurzweil definition of what consciousness means. He defined consciousness as a subjective experience that makes human beings to have a sense of self-perception and self awareness. Based on this definition, consciousness implies that consciousness is what determines human survival. Consequently, it can be argued that with the emergence of new technologies, the human survival has undergone tremendous changes that have changed how people feel, imagine,cuture and beliefs, choice, ac... ...d memory which has changed the brain structure where many people use technology memory devices rather than there brains for keeping memory of ideas or experience. This is said to result to degradation of the human memory where individual l cannot remember information because of overreliance on technological memory devices (Elsweiler, Ruthven & Jones, 2007). In sum, impact of technology on consciousness is immense. In both practical and theoretical terms, technology present greater opportunities for development of human consciousness while at the same time remaining a bigger threat to it. Nevertheless, if people have to realize the most benefit from these technologies on development of consciousness, there is need to embrace its positive value while working toward reducing its negative aspects on the development of sense of self, cognition, perception and memory.

Imagination vs. Obsession in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay

In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the author expresses how man can lose touch with reality, which leads to becoming a victim of his own imagination. Since Romantic writers, like Shelley, exalted the power of imagination, Shelley criticizes this ideal by showing how it may lead to obsession. The influence of Mary Shelley’s parents, other writers, such as her husband Percy Shelley and Byron, and the use of Gothic novel literature help her emphasize imagination, the concern with the particular, the value of the individual human being, and the supernatural. Mary Shelley’s parents were famous writers and intellectuals in England. Her father was a philosopher and novelist named William Goodwin, who encouraged her early intellectual endeavors, but remained emotionally distant and self-involved. This figure in her life might have been an influence when creating the character of Frankenstein, which is also self-involved. Her mother was Mary Wollstonecraft, which was the first and most influential feminist writer in England in her times. Her mother may also have been an influence to her literature because she might have been encouraged. The other influence is Mary’s husband, Percy Shelley, who entertained with tales of the supernatural. Percy Shelley was an intellectual who had the fullest of philosophical speculation. His imaginative and eccentric manner put him out of touch with his feelings and needs of those around him. This can be inspiring for Mary Shelley’s novel, since his main character loses sense of reality. With the knowledge of the Romantic ideals and her influence, Mary Shelley criticizes the excess of imagination in the novel. Shelley tells us about a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who is eccentric and believes he is the only man who can create man. She uses this character to â€Å"mock the stupendous mechanism of the Creator of the world†. The author expresses Frankenstein’s ambition and high self-esteem at the beginning of Chapter IV of the novel when Victor says, â€Å"My application was at first fluctuating and uncertain; it gained strength as I proceeded, and soon became so ardent and eager.†(p.588)  The fact that Frankenstein makes this statement demonstrates that his pride is taking over reality. Frankenstein also believes he can create what is supernatural, as if he is God. This is shown when he tells us, â€Å"Unless I had been animated by an almost supernatural enthusiasm, my application to this study would have been irksome, and almost intolera ble.†(p.589) Shelley is telling us how man thinks he can be superior when imagining, which leads to obsession. Shelley keeps telling us about Frankenstein’s pride and egocentrism when the scientist says, â€Å"among so many men of genius who had directed their enquiries towards the same science, that I should alone be reserved to discover so astonishing a secret.†(p.589) Frankenstein is already losing his mind because of the supernatural ability he has, and starts losing touch with reality. Shelley is now making us see how Frankenstein believes â€Å"the creation of the world is within his grasp† (p.589) and how he uses imagination as the power of creation. After being confident with his power of creation, Shelley demonstrates how Frankenstein himself starts realizing how imagination is taking over him. We can see that Frankenstein notices this when stating, â€Å"I could tear my thoughts from my employment†¦but which had taken an irresistible hold of my imagination.†(p.591) The scientist expresses how he does nothing else, but work on his creation. He tries to justify his excessive desire by telling us, â€Å"if no man allowed any pursuit whatsoever to interfere with the tranquility of his domestic affections, Greece had not been enslaved†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p.591) and other historic events that would not have happened if man did not work for it, like him. Shelley then shows at the end of Chapter V that Frankenstein is anxious, and describes his creation as a â€Å"catastrophe† (p.592). Afterwards, Shelley tells us that Frankenstein states, â€Å"I had desired it with an ardor that exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.†(p.592) With this statement, Mary Shelley shows us how after all the imagination and desire, Frankenstein is not satisfied with his creation. Finally, the scientist knows he lost touch with reality and needs to ease the load in his mind after creating the monster. In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the author shows us how the scientist Victor Frankenstein loses touch with reality at the end of the story, after an imagination that led to his obsession of creating life. After Victor  Frankenstein is confident, egocentric, and believes he has supernatural powers to create life, he regrets his creation because he recognizes how he dedicated much of his life to this work, but it was not worth it. Mary Shelley teaches us the lesson that if we are obsessed with something we want to achieve, we may end up losing touch of the real world around us. Bibliography Shelley, Mary. â€Å"Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus†. Adventures in English Literature Athena, Austin: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1996. Print

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Meaning of Ceteris Paribus Essay

In economics and finance,  the term is used as shorthand for indicating the effect of one economic variable on another, holding constant all other variables that may affect the second variable One of the disciplines in which ceteris paribus clauses are most widely used is economics, in which they are employed to simplify the formulation and description of economic outcomes. When using ceteris paribus in economics, assume all other variables except those under immediate consideration are held constant, . In effect all extra variables remain unchanged and there are no outside influences on the variables being looked at. The only variables being considered are price and demand. It does not take into account any other things, such as inflation, product improvements, etc. This allows for the explanation, examination and understanding of basic economic rules. This operational description intentionally ignores both known and unknown factors that may also influence the relationship between price and quantity demanded, and thus to assume ceteris paribus is to assume away any interference with the given example. Such factors that would be intentionally ignored include: the relative change in price of substitute goods, (e. g. , the price of beef vs pork or lamb); the level of risk aversion among buyers (e. g. , fear of mad cow disease); and the level of overall demand for a good regardless of its current price level (e. g. a societal shift toward vegetarianism) In this example, the clause is used to operationally describe everything surrounding the relationship between both the price and the quantity demanded of an ordinary good. when  discussing the laws of supply and demand, one could say that  if demand for a given product outweighs supply, ceteris paribus, prices will rise. Here, the use of â€Å"ceteris paribus† is simply sayin g that as long as all other factors that could affect the outcome (such as  the existence of a substitute product) remain constant, prices will increase in this situation. For example as the price of Pepsi cola rises, the quantity demanded of Pepsi cola falls, ceteris paribus. If the price raise of Pepsi-cola and nothing else changes, in other words, people’s preferences stay the same, the recipe for Pepsi-cola stays the same, and so on, then in response to the higher price of Pepsi-cola, people will buy less Pepsi-cola. In a nutshell the term ceteris paribus is used to define the law of demand and supply and it literally means all other things remain constant and nothing else changes.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Analyse the concepts of 'culture shock' and 'cultural adjustment' and Essay - 1

Analyse the concepts of 'culture shock' and 'cultural adjustment' and critically assess some possible consequences of th - Essay Example A culture may be thought of a network of shared meanings, which are easily taken as reality by those interacting within network. This view of culture upholds that a community of people is likely to create a general representation obtained from their shared experiences and then embrace these pre-set classes as background or setting against which incoming experiences are translated. People endeavor to structure the external world by corresponding external stimuli against internal theoretical patterns. After such a match is made, an individual is in a position to assign meaning to an outside event. If a match cannot be made, an individual may feel disoriented, frustrated or afraid. People with diverse cultures will see the world differently since they have been carefully sensitized to certain assortments of stimuli. An individual may not knowingly be conscious to the specific patterns of meanings assumed if he/she is interacting with people sharing the same view, because reality is take n for granted. It is through contact with people who view the world in a different perspective that one becomes aware of the cultural patterns he/she is embracing. It is from the movement and the interaction across cultures that the aspect of cultural shock comes about (Nelson et al, 2011, p 164). Culture shock is the distress experienced by a sojourner as an upshot of losing all the recognizable signs and symbol of social interaction, as well as their substitution with by other cues that are strange. The move to a new environment is a traumatic life event when sojourners have to cope with substantial culture change. The reason is that conflicts associated to the divergences in rules, values and meanings between the two cultures will be unavoidable. In other words, an individual may be so unfamiliar with the host surroundings that he/she has no guidance as to what, when and how to do (Cameron, 2010, p 3). People of certain occupations likely to be affected by culture shock are such as foreign students and intellectuals, teachers, business executives (expatriates), migrant workers, Peace Corps volunteers and social workers. Oberg highlighted six elements of culture shock. One is strain as a result of the effort needed to make essential psychological adaptations. Second is the sense of loss and feelings of deficiency with regards to profession, status, friends and possessions. The third element of culture shock entails being rejected and/or rejecting members of new cultures. Fourthly is the confusion in terms of role, role expectations, feelings, self identity and values. Fifthly is the anxiety, surprise and even disgust and resentment, after becoming cognizant of cultural differences. The last aspect is the feeling of helplessness as a result of the inability to handle the new environment. When living in a new environment, a student or sojourner goes through the following stages of cultural adjustment (Becker & Bhugra, 2005, p 18). Source: Becker & Bhugra, 2005 , 19 Honeymoon This is the initial stage that a sojourner experiences at the commencement of the contact. The stage is characterized by fascination, euphoria, excitement and enthusiasm. Travelers experience positive attitude as similarities are considered as comfort, whilst differences are observed with interest. Crisis/hostility/ irritation This is the culture shock stage that is