Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Personal Ethical Foundations Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethical Foundations - Personal Statement Example I have moral obligation to offer my patients the best care possible to alleviate their suffering because it is right to help a person in need. I would not perform abortions because it’s murder unless when saving the life of the mother. This is a dilemma but by saving the mother, I am following the natural law. I would not practice in eugenics or assist in voluntary suicide because it is morally wrong and is against the social norms of the society. These laws preserve the dignity of human life and the sanctity of life as it is God given. They uphold the dignity and respect of medical practice and all who practice it. Human nature makes upholding natural law very difficult. One must be virtuous to have consistency in medical practice. According to Aristotle, a virtue lies between two central vices and is described as the mean by reference to two vices. Cardinal virtues expounded by ancient Greek philosophers are courage, prudence, temperance, and justice. By using reason, we make the right decisions and this will make me achieve job satisfaction and eventually actualization. By being courageous and doing the right thing we get happier and better at our jobs, this law is fundamental to success in the work place, as the code of conduct will govern most of the key decisions in the work place eliminating unnecessary conflict of beliefs. It is my responsibility to care for my patients and be responsive to their needs at all times during their medical care. It is not right to say that this principle applies to females alone as all practitioners care for the sick in health facilities. My responsibility would be to reduce their physical and emotional suffering by using own experience and expertise in the medical field. I would not withhold necessary treatment and facilities to a sick individual for whatever reason because it is morally wrong and against the medical code of ethics. It would be wrong to offer

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