Thursday, November 21, 2019

Summary Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary - Movie Review Example The above issues were explained with the help of graphics and pictures taken from supermarkets, restaurants, and the food packaging or processing industries. The name of the film, Food Inc reminds us the heavy industrialization of food products in the modern era. The film starts with the pictures taken from the supermarkets in order to make us aware of the various food products currently used in America. The film starts in this manner in order to show us the origin and processing of this food items. The music and the sound used in this film are suitable to the occasions and it gives us a pleasant background for watching of this movie. The major visuals used in this film are animals/birds and their meats. Americans are very much interested in non-vegetarian foods like beef, chicken, pork meat etc and hence the film was more focused on such items. Bright and dark colors were used sparingly to make the viewers more aware of the positives and negatives of American food industry. The usag e of light also was in such a way that the viewer may get enough insights about the current American food industry. This movie can be regarded as a piece of investigative journalism in which the industrialization of food items was mentioned. The major aim or theme of this movie is to make the public aware of how smartly the foods were being processed in America in order to make them for safe eating. At the same time, the movie reminds us the dangers in taking foods like chicken which were farmed to fatten in 45 days and grow bigger with the help of chemicals and hormones. Even though most of the times, the movie deals with the positive aspects of American food industry, at times it also shows troubling scenes of the American food industry. This film is capable of forcing the viewers think twice before taking any foods from American restaurants. The major message given by this movie to the viewers is that it is the American

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