Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Human Resource Management and Hr - 1030 Words

The report below sets out the importance of the HR function, explains how HR activities support the organisation’s strategy and ways HR support line managers and their staff. The HR Function is in a position to add value by proper formulation and implementations of the following activities and in turn support the organisation strategy. Recruitment and Selection Recruiting the wrong people can lead to a drop in productivity, lack of commitment, low morale, and rapid staff turnover, all of which can impact heavily on the bottom line. The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) puts the cost of recruiting the wrong person at 2.5 times their annual salary, taking into account factors such as wasted salary benefits,†¦show more content†¦HR would ensure all performance issues are addressed and in a timely manner. Having HR support line managers and their staff is very important in that it plays an important part in ensuring the company achieves success. Advice Conflict in the workplace is inevitable in this day and age where employees represent many different cultures and personalities in the workplace. When such conflicts arise line managers seek advice from HR. Line Manages generally feel more confident in dealing with these kinds of conflict when they have direct access to HR support. HR will advise on performance management of staff. Advise managers on any disciplinary and grievance issues. Help with advising on how issues can be resolved amicably. Support Having a Human Resource function means there is always support for line managers when they need it. HR is there to guide in all aspects of employee development. Likewise if any employee wishes to address any concerns that they felt they could not address to their line manager HR can help resolve and aid in building those relationships. Support for Line managers and other staff in any grievance and or disciplinary process. Develop Human Resources function has an important role to play in coaching and working with line managers to help them to better understand all available tools at their disposal to develop and retain talent. Develop effective relationships and build on them. Help LineShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Management ( Hr )1550 Words   |  7 PagesHuman Resource Management (HR) acts to serve a function which is aimed at maximizing the overall performance of a business and its employees in relation to the employer s set standards and strategic objectives. The primary focus of HR is concentrated upon the management of employees, and on the policies and systems within and outside the organisation. 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